Tamil Nadu GNM 2021: Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council conducts the admission rounds. The council offers admission to government and private GNM Colleges of Tamil Nadu state. In addition, in order to take admission, a candidate must meet the eligibility conditions. The admission is further granted on the basis of candidates’ performance in the HSC Exam. Furthermore, the application mode is online. Only the students who submit the form successfully shall be eligible for Tamil Nadu GNM 2021 admission. The council releases a rank list for indicating the names of the selected candidates. For detailed information on TN GNM Nursing Admissions read further.

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Tamil Nadu GNM 2021

GNM (General Nursing and Midwifery) is a diploma course of 3.5 years including a compulsory internship. The GNM graduates work as nurses and midwives in the health care sector. Further, the details of the Tamil Nadu GNM Nursing are published on the council’s official website. The application form is made available for a limited period of time. Thus, the applicants should be well versed in the admission activities schedule. The important event dates are mentioned below, if the dates are revised, then the table is updated.

Important EventsDates
Application Form Release– August/ September 2021 –
Form Submission Last Date– September 2021 –
Merit List– October 2021 –
Issuance of Call Letter– October 2021 –
Counselling– October 2021 –
Commencement of Classes– November 2021 –

Check – Medical Courses After 12th

TN GNM 2021 Eligibility Criteria

The Tamil Nadu Nursing Council has laid certain eligibility conditions that each applicant must satisfy. Note that only the students who satisfy Tamil Nadu GNM Eligibility Criteria can fill the application form. In case, a candidate is found to be ineligible, then that can be one of the reasons for form rejection or admission cancellation. Thus, the conditions for eligibility are as follows:

  • The applicant must have passed the HSC Exam from a recognized board with minimum qualifying marks.
  • Applicant must have completed ANM Nursing course from a recognized institute.
  • Applicants belonging to the General category should have a score of 40% marks in HSC for being eligible. Further, the minimum qualifying marks for reserved category students is 35%.
  • The applicant must be at least 17 years of age. However, the candidate should not have completed 45 years as of 31st December of the admission year.
  • Further, the other state candidates who have studied 8th to 12th standard and nursing course in Tamil Nadu but are not native shall be treated as OC (Open Competition).

Nativity Eligibility

  • Applicant must be a native of Tamil Nadu state.
  • Candidates belonging to other states cannot claim nativity
  • Candidates who are TN natives and have studied nursing course diploma and 8th to 12th standard class in Tamil Nadu shall provide the “Nativity Certificate”.
  • Moreover, candidates who are Tamil Nadu natives and have studied nursing course diploma and 8th to 12th standard class outside the state need to provide the nativity certificate along with true copies of their parent’s certificates.
  • Candidates should provide the certificate issued by the competent authority only. Along with a copy of either Aadhar Card/ Passport/ Voter ID/ Driving License.

Tamil Nadu GNM Application Form 2021

The application form is the first stage of the admission process. In addition, an applicant can follow the below-mentioned steps to successfully fill and submit the Tamil Nadu 2021 GNM Nursing Form.

  • Candidates should first visit the TN Nursing Council official website (www.tnmedicalselection.net) to download the registration form. Or, the direct link to download it shall be available here as well.
  • Then take a printout of the form and start filling it.
  • In the form, personal and educational qualification details have to be mentioned. The details candidates need to provide are their Name, Date of Birth, Phone Number, Qualifying Exam Details, and valid Email ID, etc.
  • Moreover, candidates must ensure that they provide the correct information in the form. Candidates should have the relevant documents for the same as well. Note that any mistake in the form can result in a form rejection.
  • Furthermore, there should not be any hole, stapler, or pin on the form. It should also not be folded.
  • Candidates need to attach a few documents with the form as well. The self-attested copies of the HSC Mark Sheet and Nativity Certificate have to be sent.
  • The filled form then has to be sent to the postal address provided below. Note that it must reach the authorities on time or else they shall not consider the candidate for the merit list.

The Secretary,
Selection Committee NO. 162, E.V.R Periyar High Road,
Kilpauk, Chennai-10

Application Fees

  • Candidates need to pay INR 200 as the application fee.
  • The payment can be done in offline mode. Candidates need to make the payment through Demand Draft (DD). It shall be in the favor of “The Registrar, Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Chennai” payable at Chennai Branch only.

Tamil Nadu GNM Merit List 2021

After the conclusion of the application process, the authorities start preparing the rank list. The Tamil Nadu GNM 2021 Rank List is prepared for indicating the names of selected candidates. Candidates are ranked in order of merit in this list, as per their performance in the HSC Exam. Also, only the students whose names are there on the list shall be eligible for admission. The selection list is published on the nursing council’s official website. Further, in the case of a tie between two students, the tie-breaking criteria are taken into consideration. It is to ensure that the admission process is fair.

Details mentioned in TN Nursing Merit List

Candidates can find certain details on the merit list. These are provided for allowing students to check the result without difficulty and unnecessary confusion. The details that are there on the rank list for a candidates’ ease are as follows:

  • Name of the Candidate
  • Category
  • Qualifying Status
  • Merit Rank
  • Percentage of best three subjects & English

Tamil Nadu GNM 2021 Counselling

The Directorate of Medical Education, Tamil Nadu conducts the Tamil Nadu GNM Counselling. It takes place in an offline mode. Thus, participants have to appear in person for this admission round. This round is basically for document verification and seat allotment. Wherein, the preference is given to the students of higher merit rank. The list of documents that a candidate must carry along is available below. Moreover, the details of the date, time, and venue of counselling shall be available on the council website. After counselling, candidates have to report to the nursing institute on the given date, or else their candidature is canceled.

Important Documents

  1. 10+2 Passing Certificate and Marksheet
  2. Matriculation Certificate or Birth Certificate
  3. Physically Handicapped Certificate (If Applicable)
  4. Category Certificate (If Applicable)

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