ANM stands for Auxillary Nursing and Midwifery. Moreover, it is a 2-year diploma course. In addition, this time span includes a compulsory 6 months internship. In general, the main aim of this course is to prepare interested candidates to function in accordance with the Healthcare needs of the Community. Moreover, in this article, you can find all the details related to ANM Syllabus 2021 including ANM Course Subjects as well as ANM Exam Scheme. In addition, you can further find ANM Nursing Admission Eligibility Criteria along with the ANM Internship schedule. However, in order to get a more detailed account of the syllabus of 1st year ANM and syllabus of 2nd year ANM, continue reading.

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The Framework of ANM Exam Module Syllabus 2021

ANM stands for Auxillary and Nursing Midwifery. ANM is a 2 year ( 18 months + 6 months internship) diploma course. It comes under the category of Paramedical Field of Education. Moreover, the courses prepare the students to address the health needs of our country as well as serve in the medical field, thus showcasing humanity.

The following is the overall framework of the ANM Courses as well as the ANM Syllabus. However, those who seek admission to such courses must go through the following details. The following table consists of all the important events along with their Time Period as well. Moreover, the given table further provides you the Examination as well as the Holiday schedule of ANM Nursing Admission 2021 for the 1st as well as 2nd Year.

EventsTime Period
First Year
Total Weeks52 weeks
Vacation4 weeks
Gazetted Holiday2 weeks
Preparatory Holidays and Examination3 weeks
Teaching hours in Weeks43 weeks
Total Teaching Hours43 weeks x 40 hours/ week = 1720 hours
Second Year (Including Internship)
Total Weeks52 weeks
Vacation4 weeks
Gazetted Holiday2 weeks
Preparatory Holidays and Examination2 weeks
Teaching hours in Weeks44 weeks
Total Teaching Hours44 weeks x 40 hours/ week = 1760 hours

Check – GNM Syllabus, Nursing Entrance Exams

Subjects of ANM Nursing Course

The subjects pursued by the students in the ANM Nursing Course are given below. However, this may vary from college to college. But the standard ANM Syllabus set by the Indian Nursing Council remains the same. However, there may still be minor variations in the curriculum of the Admission.

  1. Community Health Nursing
  2. Health Promotion
  3. Primary Healthcare Nursing
  4. Child Health Nursing
  5. Midwifery
  6. Health Center Management

Syllabus of ANM Nursing Admission Module 2021

Following is the list of the subjects one needs to study after taking admission in ANM Nursing 2021. Therefore, one needs to know all the details regarding the ANM 2021 Syllabus before taking admission. It the year-wise syllabus that a candidate needs to study during the course.

Syllabus of 1st Year ANM 2021

S.No.ANM Nursing Syllabus- 1st Year
1.Community Health Nursing
2.Health Promotion
3.Primary Health Care Nursing (Prevention of diseases and Restoration of Health)
4.Child Health Nursing

Check – GNM Merit List

Syllabus of 2nd Year ANM 2021

S.No.ANM Nursing Syllabus- 2nd Year
2.Health Care Management

Check – WB ANM Merit List

ANM Nursing Admission Eligibility Criteria 2021

ANM Nursing Eligibility Criteria is provided below. One needs to make sure that they fulfil the selection criteria in order to take ANM Nursing Admission. However, failing to do so shall result in the disqualification of your application. Moreover, to check the eligibility criteria before filling the Auxillary Nursing Registration Form 2021. In order to ease your efforts here, we have provided the basic selection criteria for ANM Admission. Go through it very carefully.

Age Restrictions:

  • In order to take Admission, the minimum age requirement is 17 years on or before 31st December of the year in which the admission is sought.
  • Whereas, the maximum age shall be 35 years.

Educational Qualifications:

  • The minimum educational requirement shall be passing of 12 years of schooling ( 10+2 year course ) recognized by CBSE/ ICSE/ SSSCE/ HSCE or a recognized equivalent examination.

Course Of Study

For all the students who are seeking admission in Auxillary Nursing And Midwifery or are already enrolled in this course, it’s important to be well aware of all the details of the same. Therefore, here we have provided Subjects, Time Period, Theory and Practical, Internship related details in a tabulated form. Hence, all the students are advised to go through the following details very carefully. Furthermore, keeping all these in mind make your decision wisely.

First Year

Nursing Course
Classroom HoursExperience
Course Title and Description
Community Health Nursing
Health Promotion
A. Nutrition
B. Human Body and Hygiene
C. Environmental Sanitation
D. Mental Health
Primary Health Care Nursing – I
A. Infection and Immunization
B. Communicable Diseases
C. Community Health Problems
D. Primary Medical Care
E. First Aid and Referral
Child Health Nursing
Total Hours

Total = 1720 Hours

Second Year ( first six months )

S.No.Nursing CourseClassroom HoursExperience
Course Title and DescriptionTheoryDemonstrationTotalHospitalCommunityTotal
2.Health Centre and Management4040806060
Total Hours240200440220220440

Total Hours =  880

Second Year ( Internship Period )

S.No.Nursing CourseExperience
Course Title and DescriptionHospitalCommunityTotal
Antenatal Ward40
Intranatal/ Labour room120
Postnatal Ward40
Neonatal Care Unit40
2.Child Health80160240
3.Community Health and Health Center Management160160
Total Hours880

Total = 880 hours in the internship period

Grand Total = 1760 Hours

Guidelines for Internship

  • Firstly, the ANM students (in a group of 4-5) should be posted in the subcenter/ primary health centre with a regular ANM for one month/ 4 weeks. This further provides supervised independent practice in the community.
  • In addition, the students should definitely participate in all the National Health and Family Welfare programs during their clinical experience.
  • Moreover, at least 80% of all the clinical requirements should be completed before appearing for the final (Second year) examination.
  • Furthermore, the principal of the ANM school should certify each student. Therefore, the certificate further indicates that one has successfully done the internship program. This further includes 100% clinical requirements as well as acquired the competencies as listed in the syllabus. Thereafter, the award of the certificate is given by the State Nursing Councils or examination boards to the student.
  • Moreover, the casebook and competency record book should be completed and signed by the competent authority of the school.

ANM Exam Scheme 2021

Below is the ANM 2021 Exam Scheme for the students appearing for the internal as well as external exams. Moreover, the contents of the following table include Paper name, Subject, Maximum Marks, and Exam duration. Furthermore, the details are given for both 1st as well as 2nd Year examinations. In order to get a detailed account of the ANM Nursing Syllabus 2021, candidates can go through the table given below carefully.

Theory and Practical Examinations at the end of the First Year. 

PaperCourseExternal AssessmentInternal AssessmentDuration
Theory Paper ICommunity Health Nursing75253 hours
Theory Paper IIHealth Promotion7525
Theory Paper IIIPrimary Health Care Nursing7525
Theory Paper IVChild Health Nursing7525
Practical Paper ICommunity Health Nursing and Health Promotion100100
Practical Paper IIChild Health Nursing100100

Grand Total for First Year = 800

Theory and Practical Examinations at the end of the Second Year.

PaperCourseExternal AssessmentInternal AssessmentDuration
Theory Paper VMidwifery75253 hours
Theory Paper VIHealth Center Management7525
Practical IIIMidwifery100100
Practical IVPrimary Health Care and Health Center Management100100

Grand Total for Second Year = 600

Venue For Practical Examinations

  • Firstly, in case the District Hospital is not having a School or College of Nursing attached to the District Hospital then the practical examination of 2nd year ANM students shall be conducted at District Hospital.
  • Moreover, the examination of all the ANM Schools whether Government or Private shall be conducted in the respective district hospital.
  • However, if a large number of private schools exist in the District, thereafter the examination board should make arrangements accordingly in order to provide enough centres to cover all the students.


Expected CompetencyHospital ExperiencesCommunity Experiences
  • Assessment and care of a normal pregnant woman
  • Detecting pregnancy using a pregnancy testing kit.
  • Registration of antenatal mothers.
  • Preconception counselling.
  • Measuring the blood pressure, pulse, and fetal heart rate, checking for pallor and edema and determining the fundal height, fetal lie, and presentation accurately.
  • Hemoglobin estimation and testing urine for protein and sugar.
  • Examine 20 antenatal women ( in the hospital and community )
  • Provide IFA supplements and administer TT injections to 10 women.
  • Registration and management of vital events registers.
  • Conduct antenatal examinations at home.
  • Participate in antenatal clinics in the sub-center.
  • Malaria testing pregnant mothers.
  • Counselling on birth preparedness, complication readiness, diet and rest, infant feeding, sex during pregnancy, domestic violence, and contraception.
  • Conduct normal delivery.
  • Recognize different degrees of tears and give emergency care and refer.
  • Maintain midwifery casebook.
  • Conduction of pelvic assessment to determine pelvic adequacy. PV examination 5.
  • Plotting the partograph and deciding when to refer the women.
  • Conduction of 10 safe deliveries ( in the hospital and community), with active management of the third stage of labor, using infection prevention practices.
  • Assist in the suturing of 5 episiotomies and tears.
  • Conduct deliveries in the community (in health centers preferably and home)
  • Assessment and care of postnatal mothers and newborns.
  • Provide essential care to the newborn 10.
  • Basic resuscitation of the newborn 5.
  • Managing/ Counselling on post-partum care and nutrition.
  • Counselling/ supporting of mothers for breastfeeding and preventing and managing breastfeeding problems.
  • Counselling for kangaroo mother care.
  • Care of postnatal mothers 10 ( in the hospital and community )
  • Conduct health education for mothers and individuals – 3 each.
  • Follow infection prevention and biomedical waste management in the labor room and subcenter.
  • Follow up of 10 postnatal mothers for 10 days with at least 3 home visits.
  • Care of newborns at home- 10.
  • Conduct health education for groups of mothers and individuals- 2 each.
  • Integrate the accepted practices of AYUSH.
  • Assessing and referring mothers at risk.
  • Identify high-risk mothers and give care.
  • Prepare for caesarean sections- 2
  • Observe caesarean sections- 2
  • Prepare for MTP and observe the procedure- 2
  • Take care of women with abortion- 2
  • Insert an intravenous line.
  • Insert a urinary catheter in women.
  • Preparation and administration of magnesium sulphate injection.
  • Preparation and administration of oxytocin drip.
  • Bimanual compression of the uterus for the management of PPH.
  • Care of mother with HIV
  • Digital removal of retained products of conception for incomplete abortion.
  • Provide post-abortion care.
  • Do a case study of complicated childbirth in a village.
  • Conduct a village meeting for emergency transport for women at risk.
  • Identify and refer women with an unwanted pregnancy for MTP
  • Interview any 10 women and list reasons for unsafe motherhood and abortion
  • Identify high-risk mothers (any 5) and newborns 5 and refer them to the higher centers.
  • Counsel eligible couples about different methods of contraception
  • Prepare acceptors for sterilization and IUCDs
  • The detection of cervical cancer.
  • Counselling of mothers/ couples for family planning
  • Prepare and assist for sterilization of 5 female and 2 male cases (in hospital and community)
  • Insertion of intrauterine devices and prescription of contraception of contraceptives
  • Perform 2 IUCDs insertions (in the hospital or the community)
  • Distribute oral pills- 5
  • Demonstrate the use of condoms and distribute condoms- 5
  • Visual inspection of the cervix and taking a pap smear test- 2
  • Counsel eligible couples on different methods of contraception
  • Perform 2 IUCDs insertions ( in the hospital or the community)
  • Distribute oral pills- 5
  • Demonstrate the use of condoms and distribute condoms- 5
  • Visual inspection of the cervix and taking a pap smear test- 2

Clinical Requirements To Be Completed During The Internship Period

Expected CompetencyHospital and Community Experiences
  • Assessment and care of a normal pregnant woman.
  • Examine 15 antenatal women (in the hospital and the community)
  • Conduct normal delivery
  • Recognize different degrees of tears and give emergency care and refer.
  • Conducting pelvic assessment to determine pelvic adequacy. PV examination 5.
  • Conduction of 10 safe deliveries ( in the hospital and community), with active management of the third stage of labor, using infection prevention practices.
  • Assist in the suturing of 5 episiotomies and tears
  • Assessment and care of postnatal mothers and newborns.
  • Provide essential care to the newborn 10.
  • Basic resuscitation of the newborn 5.
  • Care of postnatal mothers 10 ( in the hospital and community )
  • Assessing and referring mothers at risk.
  • Take care of women with abortion- 2
  • Counsel eligible couples about different methods of contraception
  • Prepare acceptors for sterilization and IUCDs
  • The detection of cervical cancer.
  • Prepare and assist for sterilization of 5 female and 2 male cases (in hospital and community)
  • Perform 2 IUCDs insertions (in the hospital or the community)
  • Distribute oral pills- 5
  • Demonstrate the use of condoms and distribute condoms- 5
  • Management of sick neonates and children (IMNCI)
Assessment and care of 5 sick neonates and 5 sick children as per the IMNCI protocols.

Clinical Requirements To Be Completed During The 2nd Year

Competency1st 6 months of the 2nd YearInternshipTotal during 2nd Year
ANC20 (hospital + community)15(hospital + community)35(hospital + community)
Conducting normal deliveries with AMTSL10(hospital + community)10(hospital + community)20(hospital + community)
Assist suturing of episiotomy or tears5510
Care of newborn101020
Basic resusc. of normal newborn5510
P/V Examination5510
Postnatal cases10(hospital + community)10(hospital + community)20(hospital + community)
Management of sick neonates and children (INCI)5+55+5
IUCD Insertions235

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