MJPRU Improvement Admit Card 2021: The Controller of Examinations of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University issue the admit card for the UG / PG Improvement Exam. Before the exam, the official authority will release the MJPRU hall ticket to all the students who have submitted the exam form. Candidates can collect their hall ticket from the college authority. MJPRU Admit Card is required to get entry into the examination hall. The university provides the provision of the Improvement Exam for those students who could not secure a minimum passing percentage in the main exam. Therefore, all the students who have to sit for the improvement paper must download the MJPRU improvement exam hall ticket and appear in the exam. As soon as the admit card is released online, we will update it in our article.
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The MJPRU Improvement Admit Card is the proof to enter into the examination hall and write the improvement paper. The candidates who have applied for the improvement or back paper exams can download the admit card from the official website of the university. In this article, we have given all the details regarding the MJP Rohilkhand University Hall Ticket.
MJPRU Back Paper Exam Hall Ticket 2021
MJPRU Back Paper exam is for those candidates who could not secure minimum passing marks in the main examination. Such students will have to clear their papers through back paper exam. However, in this article, we are giving details of downloading the MJPRU Improvement Exam Admit Card 2021 and other issues regarding the improvement exam. It is very important to download the Admit Card before the examination. No candidate can enter the examination hall without a valid copy of the admit card. Also, all the details printed on the hall ticket must be correct and valid. Therefore, all the students must carefully read the details given in this article. we will notify the candidates of all the important updates in this article.
MJPRU Back Paper/ Re-Exam Hall Ticket
Rohilkhand University offers a provision for the improvement exams to those students who could not score good marks in the semester examination. Therefore, candidates can appear for the improvement exam even if they have not got passing marks on some papers. However, to sit for the improvement exams, the students must download the MJPRU Improvement Exam Hall Ticket. This is essential because the invigilators will check the admit card of each candidate appearing for the examination. If any candidate fails to show his hall ticket, then the invigilators will not allow such candidates to enter the examination hall. Therefore, all the students need to carry their hall ticket before appearing for the improvement exam.
MJPRU Improvement Admit Card Date 2021
The candidates who are willing to appear for the improvement exams must keep themselves updated with the latest official dates. However, the official dates for the events of the academic session 2021-22 are not yet known. Moreover, we have given the tentative dates for the release of the MJPRU Improvement Admit Card in the table given in this section. But we would recommend the candidates to keep visiting the official website and keep track of the events in order to avoid any confusion. Also, the officials will release the exam dates and the admit card dates before the examination. However, the candidates can check the latest updates in the updates section in this article. Besides, let us look at a few important dates of MJPRU Improvement Admission Card 2021 from the table given below
Events | Dates (Tentative) |
Sale of Improvement Exam Form | September 2021 |
Last Date to Submit the Exam Form in the College | October 2021 |
Improvement Admit Card | – |
Improvement Exam | – |
MJPRU Improvement Result | – |
Rohilkhand University Improvement Admit Card 2021
Every year the examination council of Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, conducts the improvement exams for the candidates who could not score good marks in the main semester term-end exam. Therefore, candidates have an option to improve their marks so that they won’t suffer in the future. However, in order to sit for the improvement exams of MJPR UNiversity, the candidates need to download the Admit Card for Improvement Exam 2021 MJPRU. Most importantly, the candidates can access the hall ticket of the MJPRU semester exam by providing the credentials of the student. Admit card is an important document for the improvement examination. Without a proper admit card, the candidates cannot enter the exam hall and they won’t be allowed to appear in the written examination.
Important Instructions: Improvement Exam Admit Card
The candidates who download the admit card must check all the details given on the admit card. The admit card is the only proof of your entry into the examination hall. In case if there is any discrepancy in the MJPRU Improvement Exam Admit Card then the candidates must immediately contact the officials. Besides the applicants can call on the emergency helpline number of the controller of the examinations of Rohilkhand University. Also they must get all the details correct on the to admit card in order to avoid any hassle during the examination. Also, candidates must note that the admit card must not be tampered or destroyed in any case.
How to Download MJPRU Improvement Admit Card 2021
The candidates can download the Admit Card Improvement EXam 2021 MJPRU once it is available on the official website of the university. However, we will also provide a direct link to download the improvement exam hall ticket. The direct link is in the updates section of this article. Candidates must know the process to download the admit card of Rohilkhand University. Therefore we are given the step by step process to download the MJPRU Improvement Exam Admit Card below:
- Visit the official website of Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University and got to the Online Examination portal.
- Navigate the Admit Card link and click on Improvement Exam Admit Card 2021.
- Click on the Admit Card link of Improvement exam 2021 and the login section will appear on the screen.
- Provide the credentials given in the login section. The details provided must be valid and correct. Any form of incorrect details will prohibit the candidate from downloading the Admit Card of Improvement exam 2021.
- The Admit card will appear on the screen. Candidates must go through the details given on the Admit Card very carefully. In case any form of error is there in any information on the Admit Card, the candidate must contact the examination conducting body immediately.
- After going through the details given on the admit card, and if all the details are valid and correct, click on the save button and download the official Admit Card for improvement examination.
- Also, the candidates must get multiple photocopies of the Admit Card, in case the downloaded one gets lost or damaged on the day of the examination.
Details Given on Improvement Exam Admit Card 2021
The candidates must carefully check all the details printed on MJPRU Improvement Exam Card before appearing for the examination. If there is any discrepancy in the details given on the admit card, the applicant must immediately report to the Controller of Examinations of Rohilkhand University. The admit card is one of the most important documents for getting admission. Therefore, candidates must go through all the details imprinted on the admit card very thoroughly. We are giving a list of details given on the improvement admit card in the following points:
- Name of the student
- Examination Roll Number
- Name of the Course
- Semester/Year
- Date of the examination
- Timing of the examination
- Centre allotted to the candidate for the exam.
- Name of the Papers for which the candidate is appearing for the Improvement Exam.
- Paper Code
- Basic Instructions to be followed by the student on the day of the examination
Importance of MJPRU Improvement Exam Hall Ticket
Most importantly, the examination council will not allow any candidate with a torn/tampered hall ticket. The Admit Card will provide the Name of the Candidate, Application Number, name of the subject, Centre for the examination and the instructions to be followed by the candidate on the day of the examination. The candidates will also need Improvement Exam Admit Card after the examination, during the time of counselling. Therefore, the candidates are also advised that they must get the multiple photocopies of the Admit card. In case if they lose, they can have the extra copies to enter into the examination hall. Also, the link to download the Improvement Exam Admit Card get deactivate after the examination is over. Hence it is always important to keep extra copies of the admit card.
Important Instructions For MJPRU Improvement Admit Card
The students who could not score decent marks in the semester exams can apply for the improvement. In this case, the candidates have to fill the fresh application form of improvement. After filling the examination form, the applicants have to download the admit card once it is available on the official website of the university. Therefore, candidates need to remember a few things for downloading the admit card and also they must follow the below-given instructions to avoid any problem during the examination:
- The Improvement Exam Admit Card of Rohilkhand is available only in Online mode. Therefore, the candidates who have given the online examination form can download the admit card from the official website of the Online Examination Portal.
- Applicants can download the admit card only within the official dates of the release of the admit card. The officials remove the link to download the hall ticket after the official dates lapses.
- The candidates have to carry the admit card on the day of the examination. Without the admit card the officials won’t let the candidates enter the examination hall.
- Candidates must report at the examination venue at the given time. Latecomers won’t get an entry in the examination hall
Candidates must also carry an identity proof along with the admit card. Voter id Card, Passport, Driving Licence, AAdhar Card, etc. could work as proof of the identity.
- The details given on the admit card must not be edited/erased, in any case, by the applicants. The defaulters may be liable to legal punishment.
- The candidates must get the multiple photocopies of the Admit card on the day of the exam, in case the downloaded one gets lost or damaged on the day of the examination.
This was all about the details of MJPRU Improvement Admit Card 2021 and in case if any candidate has any query regarding the same, then he/she can put their questions freely in the comment box given at the end of the article.