VBSPU Result 2021: The Controller of Examinations of Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University will release the results online. The students who are going to appear in the Purvanchal University Common Admission Test PUCAT-2021 can access their result and scorecard from the link given in the updates section of this article. Therefore, the candidates who have given the examination can check the  VBSPU Result from the official website. In this article, wwe have given all the details of how to download the Purvannchal University BA/BSc/BCom Part-1,2,3 Result online from the direct link given in this article. We will update the candidates regarding anu updates about VBSPU 2021 Result.

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Purvanchal University UG/PG  Result 2021

The university admission council conducts the common entrance test for selecting the candidates. Therefore, candidates seeking admission in the university must appear in the Purvanchal University Combined Admission Test (PUCAT 2021). The date and schedule of the PUCAT 2021 is available on the official website. However, we will notify the students about the declaration of the PUCAT Result 2021. Therefore, all the candidates must check the official website to get the latest updates on the declaration of Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University Result 2021 and the process to download the result card. Also, check more details about the courses from VBSPU Admissions 2021 and apply for the course.

VBSPU Result Dates 2021

The official dates of the declaration of VBSPU Result Date for admission will be released soon. However, the students can expect the result in the month of May 2021. Therefore, the students must visit the official website to get the latest updates on the declaration of the results. However, we can give the tentative dates of the declaration of the result. On the basis of the event of the previous year, the students can expect the dates of the declaration of the result. Therefore, we are giving a list of tentative dates in the table given below. Kindly check the tentative dates of the declaration of the PUCAT 2021 Result from the table given below:

EventsDates  (Tentative)
Date of ExaminationJune 2021
Declaration of ResultJune 2021
Beginning of Counselling processJune 2021

How To Check VBSPU Result 2021?

The officials will declare the marks of the candidates at VBSPU Result.nic.in. Therefore the students must visit the official website of the university.The candidates can access the VBSPU Jaunpur Result 2021 Online mode only. Therefore, the students must know the process to download and check the marks in the examination. So, for the information of the candidates we are giving the basic steps to download the result card from the official website. The candidates must follow the steps given below in th same manner to access the result card. Candidates can follow the steps listed below to view the result (Rank Merit List) for PUCAT 2021: –

  • Initially, the candidates will have to visit the official website vbspu.ac.in
  • Then, they have to Scroll down to see the ‘News’ section on the home page.
  • Now the candidates have to click on the notification flashing for PUCAT 2021 Result.
  • After that the students must select the course for which they want to view the result.
  • Then the Merit list for the selected course will get loaded.
  • Finally, the candidates may find their rank by searching their name or roll number in the merit list.
  • Also,the candidates must download the copy of the marks sheet. They must take the print out of the result card and keep it safe for the future references.

Details Printed on PUCAT 2021 Result

Once the candidates have got the access of the VBSPU University Result the students must verify all the details printed on the score card. The result for PUCAT 2021 will be declared in the form of a rank merit list. Therefore, the students who have got maximum marks in the exam, will rank at the top in the merit list. The admission to any course is on the basis of the rank of the candidate in the Common Admission Test. The merit list for PUCAT 2021 will highlight following details about candidates’ result:-

  • Roll Number of candidate
  • Name of candidate
  • Candidate’s father’s name
  • Candidate’s mother’s name
  • Date of Birth of candidate
  • Sex/Gender of candidate
  • Caste/Category or candidate
  • Score of Candidate in PUCAT 2021
  • Rank of Candidate on the basis of PUCAT 2021
  • Any weightage/extra marks given to candidate
  • Rank of candidate on the basis of total score (PUCAT 2021 score + Weightage)

VBSPU Semester Result 2021

The Controller of Examinations conducts a written theory/practical exams at the end of each semester/ academic year. Therefore, the candidates who are pursuing any course from Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University must appear in the semester examination. After the completion of the exams, the students can check their VBSPU University Result from the official website. However, we will also give a direct link to download the result in the updates section in this article. The semester results are important because it helps the candidates to take the admission in the further year of the course. Therefore, it is compulsory for all the students to pass in all subjects. Otherwise, the students will have to sit for the improvement exams.

VBSPU Improvement Result 2021

The university offers a provision for the candidates to improve their marks in any particular paper. Therefore, all the students who could not secure good marks in any particular paper must sit for the improvement exams. So, this is an extra chance given to the candidates who fail in the main examination. Therefore, after giving the exams, the students can check the VBSPU Improvement Result 2019-20 from the official website. The officials will release the result of the improvement exams Online mode only. The dates of the improvement results is given on the notifications section on the official website.

VBSPU Counselling 2021

After the declaration of the results of the Purvanchal University Common Admission Test 2021 (PUCAT). Therefore, the eligible candidates can sit for the PUCAT Counselling 2021 by finding their names in the merit list. After a candidate has secured a valid rank in PUCAT 2021 for the respective course, he/she may be called for the Counselling process. Again, due to the multiple numbers of colleges, a single procedure of admission or schedule for Counselling cannot be reported.

However, the candidates must know that appearing in Counselling is very necessary for admission. Also, no candidate can get admission in any course if he/she does not appear in the Counselling process, irrespective of the score or rank of the candidate. However, candidates are advised to carry these documents while going for Counselling under PUCAT 2021 for any college: –

  • Class 10th Mark sheet and Certificate
  • Class 12th Mark sheet and Certificate
  • The graduation Mark sheet and Certificate (For admission in Postgraduate courses)
  • Category (Caste) / Sub category certificate
  • Character certificate
  • Four Passport size photographs
  • A copy of online filled application form

PUCAT 2021 Tie Break Criteria

The admission to Veer Bahadur Purvanchal University is given on the basis of the marks of the candidates in the entrance test. Therefore, the university admission council conducts the Purvanchal University Common Admission Test (PUCAT 2021) for selecting the eligible candidates for admission. The university admission council adopts the Tie Break criteria to determine the rank of the two candidates who score exactly the same marks ion the common admission test. The VBSPU Result 2021 decides the rank of the candidates. The admission council will prepare a single merit list of the eligible candidates. A candidate with higher age is preferred in case two or more candidates have same score or rank in PUCAT 2021.

PUCAT 2021 Cut Off

The Admission is on the basis of the Cut-off marks in any particular subject. However, the candidates need to qualify a minimum score criterion or PUCAT 2021 cut off to be able to call for counselling process or getting admission. So, the cut-off score varies from year to year. However, the cut-off score for different courses depends upon the following factors:-

  • Number of candidates getting admission through UPSEE 2021
  • Number of candidates appearing for PUCAT 2021
  • Level of difficulty of PUCAT
  • Availability or Increase/Decrease in the number of seats available

Generally, the university campus and old and well-established colleges end up having higher cut-offs, than newer colleges.

About VBSP University

Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University was earlier known as Purvanchal University, Jaunpur. Set as per principle of late Shri Veer Bahadur Singh, prior Chief Minister of the state. This university came into known on 2nd October 1987 as an associating university on the verdict of U.P. state university act 1973. Incessant qualitative and quantitative growth, brilliance in academic and administrative activities, translucent and well-organized academic administration have remained the distinct features on the basis of which the university came about as the top university.

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