Acharya Narendra Dev College Cut Off 2021- The official authority of ANDC College will announce the cut-off list for UG admissions 2021 on its official website. Therefore, the candidates must apply for DU Application Form 2021 in order to get admission in their desired course. ANDC College is located in South Delhi and affiliated to the University of Delhi. Acharya Narendra Dev College Cut Off has been uploaded here. It offers admission to various undergraduate courses on the basis of class 12 marks. Every year it releases multiple cut-off lists for admission to different undergraduate courses. The candidates who meet the Acharya Narendra Dev College Cut Off 2021 are granted admission to this college. This article will provide information related to DU Cut Off for admission to the academic session 2021-22.

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ANDUC Important Dates 2021

The official dates of the declaration of the ANDC 1st Cut Off 2021 are not known yet. However, from the events of the last year, the students can guess the dates of the cut off list declaration. Applicants must visit the official website of the university to check the latest updates on the DU Cut of  Marks 2021. Go through the Revised schedule for admission to the UG courses below. The applicants submitting the Application Form can check the important dates below.

The schedule of DU Cut off 2021 is mentioned in the tabular format below. The official dates are available as soon as they are released.



St Stephen’s College first cut offto be announced
Delhi University first cut-off list

Admission against First cutoff list

Last date of fee payment
Second cut off list of DU 2021

DU Admission cut off against Second Round

Last date of fee payment
Third cut off list

Admission against Third cutoff list

Last date of fee payment
Delhi University Fourth cut off list

Admission against Fourth cutoff list

Last date of fee payment
DU Fifth cut off list

Admission against Fifth cutoff list

Last date of fee payment
Session commences
Special cutoff list

DU admission cut off against special round

Last date of fee payment

ANDC College Cut Off 2021

The cut off of Acharya Narendra Dev College will be released on the official website of the University. Candidates who have successfully applied for admission and have submitted the Application form. It is important that the applicant must provide information that is valid and correct. The details provided in the form have to be valid and correct as it will be cross-checked at the time of the final admission Acharya Narendra Dev College Cut Off. The candidates will be required that they must have applied for the college for admission. The college will be releasing the cut off for various streams and the courses offered by the college. The candidate must apply for the particular course in the Application Form.

ANDC College 1st Cut Off List

The college will be releasing the Cut off list as per on the date as mentioned in the admission schedule. The cut off list will provide the minimum marks to be secured by the candidate in their qualifying examination. The cut off list will provide the details which have to be followed by the candidates. Once the Acharya Narendra Dev College Cut Off list is available, the applicant will have to follow up on the procedure of the admission. The college will be releasing the number of the cut off list depending on the number of seats offered by the college for the particular course. The latest updates will also be available on the official website of the college and candidates will have to keep visiting it on a regular basis so as not to miss any of the latest updates.

Acharya Narendra Dev College Cut Off 2019, 2018

1B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical Science969390787586
1B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry969484757586
1B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science959185707485
1B.Sc (Hons) Electronics918679626081
1B.Sc (Hons) Physics969385727087
1B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics969387757286
1B.Sc (Hons) Zoology938983746585
1B.Sc (Hons) Botany908580726580
1B.Com (Hons.)968883727588
1B.Sc (Life Sciences)888175656078
1B.Sc. Physical Science with Chemistry908272656580
1B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer Sc.928575666682
1B.Sc. Physical Science with Electronics898273656579
2B.Com (Hons.)94.58782717484.5
2B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry959383.3374.337485
2B.Sc (Hons) Electronics908577615880
2B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science94.590.584.75Closed7384.5
2B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics94.592.58674.757184.5
2B.Sc (Hons) Physics95.3392.66Closed71.666986
2B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical Science95.339289777485.33
2B.Sc (Hons) Botany898479716479
2B.Sc (Hons) Zoology91.3387.6682.6673.6664.3381.33
2B.Sc (Life Sciences)ClosedClosedClosedClosed5978
2B.Sc. Physical Science with Chemistry89.66Closed71.66646279.66
2B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer Sc.9184.337464.666481
2B.Sc. Physical Science with Electronics87.6681.3372636277.66
3B.Com (Hons.)92.585.580.5687282.5
3B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical Science94.339188.33767384.33
3B.Sc (Hons) Botany88.66Closed78Closed6278.66
3B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry9492Closed73.337384
3B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science9490.2584.5Closed72.584
3B.Sc (Hons) Electronics8984.3375.33595679
3B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics93.59285.25Closed6983.5
3B.Sc (Hons) Physics94.33ClosedClosedClosedClosed84.33
3B.Sc (Hons) Zoology908682.33Closed6480
3B.Sc (Life Sciences)87.66ClosedClosedClosed5877.66
3B.Sc. Physical Science with Chemistry89.33ClosedClosed626079.33
3B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer89.668473.6663.666379.66
3B.Sc. Physical Science with Electronics86.33ClosedClosed606076.33
4B.Com (Hons.)Closed84.7579.5667082.5
4B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science939084Closed7283
4B.Sc (Hons) ElectronicsClosedClosed75575579
4B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics9391.584.574.56783
4B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed84.33
4B.Sc (Hons) Zoology898482736279
4B.Sc (Life Sciences)87.33ClosedClosedClosed5677.33
4B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical Science93.339087.3375.337283.33
4B.Sc (Hons) BotanyClosedClosed77.66706078.66
4B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry9391Closed727283
4B.Sc. Physical Science with ChemistryClosed88.66Closed605879.33
4B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer89.3383.667362.336079.33
4B.Sc. Physical Science with Electronics85.33Closed71.66585875.3
5B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry9290Closed717082
5B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science92.7589.7583.569.57082.75
5B.Sc (Hons) Electronics88.66ClosedClosed555478.66
5B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosed9183.5746583
5B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical Science92.668886.33757082.66
5B.Sc (Hons) Zoology88.668281726078.66
5B.Sc (Hons) Botany87.6683.6677Closed5877.66
5B.Sc (Hons) Physics93.6692Closed716883.66
5B.Com (Hons.)Closed8378.25646882.5
5B.Sc (Prog.) Physical Science with ChemistryClosed81Closed585779.33
5B.Sc (Prog.) Physical Science with Computer Science8983.33Closed61.335879
5B.Sc (Prog.) Physical Science with Electronics85Closed70575575
5B.Sc (Prog.) Life Science86.33ClosedClosedClosed5476.33
6B.Com (Hons.)8783626882.5
6B.Sc (Hons.) Botany8479Closed5677.66
6B.Sc (Hons.) Electronics8576595478.66
6B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry9184737082
6B.Sc (Hons.) Mathematics9183.5Closed6283
6B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Science8886.33767082.66
6B.Sc (Hons.) Physics92.66Closed71.666683.66
6B.Sc. (Hons.) ZoologyClosed81725878.66
6B.Sc (Prog.) Physical Science with Chemistry81Closed565579.33
6B.Sc (Prog.) Life Science8175655476.33
6B.Sc (Hons.) Computer Science90.2583.569.57082.75
6B.Sc (Prog.) Physical Science with Electronics81.3371605575
6B.Sc (Prog.) Physical Science with Computer ScienceClosed73615579
7B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Science92878574.336982
7B.Sc (Hons.) Computer Science92.589.58368.756882.5
7B.Sc (Hons.) Electronics88.338474.33545378.33
7B.Sc (Hons.) Mathematics9290.582.25Closed6082
7B.Sc (Hons.) Physics9391.33Closed70.336583
7B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology87.6681.6680705577.66
7B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry91.33898369.336581.33
7B.Sc (Prog.) Life Science85.3380.3374.66645275.33
7B.Sc (Prog.) Physical Science with Chemistry8880.66Closed545278
7B.Sc (Hons.) Botany8682.6676Closed5576
7B.Com (Hons.)91.58278596681.5
7B.Sc (Prog.) Physical Science with Computer Science88.66Closed72.66595278.66
7B.Sc (Prog.) Physical Science with ElectronicsClosed80.6669565275
8B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Science91.338684Closed6881.33
8B.Sc (Hons.) Computer Science92898267.56582
8B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry90.6687.6682.66686380.66
8B.Sc (Hons.) Electronics87.6683.6673.33525177.66
8B.Sc (Hons.) Physics92.3390.3384.66706382.33
8B.Sc (Hons.) Mathematics91Closed81.5Closed5881
8B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology86.3381.3378.6669.335376.33
8B.Com (Hons.)Closed80.2577566481.5
8B.Sc (Hons.) Botany83.6681.6675695374
8B.Sc (Prog.) Life Science8479.6673.66635074
8B.Sc (Prog.) Physical Science with Chemistry86.66Closed71525076.66
8B.Sc (Prog.) Physical Science with Computer Science88.33Closed71.66565078.33
8B.Sc (Prog.) Physical Science with Electronics84.338068555074.33
1B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science969185707488
1B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical Science969390787086
1B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics959285747085
1B.Sc (Hons) Botany918580736681
1B.Sc (Hons) Zoology928882746584
1B.Sc. Physical Science with Chemistry888070606078
1B.Sc (Life Sciences)898276666079
1B.Sc. Physical Science with Electronics878070606077
1B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer898372606080
1B.Sc (Hons) Electronics938781656083
1B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry959383737085
1B.Sc (Hons) Physics969386737090
2B.Sc (Hons) Botany9084.6679.66726480
2B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry949282726884
2B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical Science959289.3377.666985
2B.Sc (Hons) Electronics9186.3379635881
2B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science9490.583697284
2B.Sc (Life Sciences)88.33Closed75.66ClosedClosed78.33
2B.Sc. Physical Science with ChemistryClosedClosedClosed585878
2B.Sc. Physical Science with Electronics8679.3368565676
2B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosed82.66Closed595879
2B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics949184.5706884
2B.Sc (Hons) Zoology91.3387Closed736482
2B.Sc (Hons) Physics94.3392.3385.66716585
3B.Sc (Hons) Botany8984.3379.33716179
3B.Sc (Hons) Electronics908677615780
3B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics93.75ClosedClosedClosed6684
3B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosedClosed70Closed84.33
3B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science93.75Closed82.75Closed7083.75
3B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical Science94.3391.3388.6677.336884.33
3B.Sc. Physical Science with ChemistryClosedClosed69.6657.665678
3B.Sc. Physical Science with ElectronicsClosedClosed67.66555476
3B.Sc (Life Sciences)88ClosedClosedClosed5978
3B.Sc (Hons) ZoologyClosed86.6681.66726281.33
3B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry93.3391.3381.3371.336683.33
3B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer88.6682.33Closed585678.66
4B.Sc (Hons) ChemistryClosed9181716483.33
4B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science9390.2582Closed6883
4B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical Science93.6690.3387.6676.336683.66
4B.Sc (Hons) Electronics8985.6675595679
4B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosedClosed69Closed84.33
4B.Sc (Life Sciences)87.3381.66Closed65.335777.33
4B.Sc. Physical Science with ElectronicsClosedClosed67Closed5276
4B.Sc. Physical Science with ChemistryClosedClosedClosed575578
4B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer88.338271.33575478.33
4B.Sc (Hons) Botany888479706078
4B.Sc (Hons) Zoology9186ClosedClosed6081
4B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosed90.75ClosedClosed6483.75
5B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical Science9389.6687.33756583
5B.Sc (Hons) Botany87.6682.6678.6669.335877.66
5B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry93ClosedClosed696283
5B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science92.2590Closed68.56682.25
5B.Sc (Hons) Zoology90.338581.33Closed5880.33
5B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosedClosed68Closed84.33
5B.Sc (Life Sciences)86.668175.3364.335676.66
5B.Sc (Hons) ElectronicsClosed85.33Closed58.335679
5B.Sc. Physical Science with ChemistryClosedClosedClosed555078
5B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics93.5ClosedClosedClosed6083.5
5B.Sc. Physical Science with ElectronicsClosedClosedClosed535076
5B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosedClosedClosed565078.33
6B.Sc (Hons) Botany86.6681Closed695576.66
6B.Sc (Hons) ElectronicsClosed84Closed565679
6B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical Science92.3388.668773.666382.33
6B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science92ClosedClosed676382
6B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics93.25ClosedClosedClosed5883.25
6B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosedClosed67Closed84.33
6B.Sc (Life Sciences)85.6679.337563.665275.66
6B.Sc. Physical Science with ChemistryClosedClosedClosed544878
6B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosedClosed71554878.33
6B.Sc (Hons) Zoology88.6683.6681Closed5678.66
6B.Sc (Hons) ChemistryClosedClosedClosed67.666083
6B.Sc. Physical Science with ElectronicsClosedClosed66.3351.334876
7B.Sc (Hons) Botany86.338078.33Closed5576.33
7B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science91.5ClosedClosed656081.5
7B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry92.33Closed80.6666.335682.33
7B.Sc (Hons) Electronics87.6683.33Closed565677.66
7B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics92.75ClosedClosedClosed5582.75
7B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosed8566Closed84.33
7B.Sc. Physical Science with ElectronicsClosedClosedClosed504676
7B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical ScienceClosed87.668671.666082.33
7B.Sc. Physical Science with Chemistry87.33Closed68514577.33
7B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosedClosed70.66544678.33
7B.Sc (Hons) Zoology8782.3380Closed5577
7B.Sc (Life Sciences)85.337974.33625075.33
8B.Sc (Hons) BotanyNA7877.66Closed5376.33
8B.Sc (Hons) ElectronicsNA8374.33555577.66
8B.Sc (Hons) Computer ScienceNAClosedClosed635681.5
8B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsNAClosedClosedClosed5382.75
8B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsNAClosed84.3364Closed84.33
8B.Sc (Life Sciences)NA7873.3360Closed75.33
8B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical ScienceNA86.6685.33705682.33
8B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerNAClosed70524578.33
8B.Sc (Hons) ChemistryNAClosed8065.335282.33
8B.Sc. Physical Science with ChemistryNAClosed66484577.33
8B.Sc (Hons) ZoologyNA8178.66Closed5577
8B.Sc. Physical Science with ElectronicsNAClosedClosed474576
9B.Sc (Hons) Botany857576Closed4875
9B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry92Closed79634882
9B.Sc (Hons) Electronics86Closed73515076
9B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science90.5ClosedClosed605180.5
9B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosed8463Closed84.33
9B.Sc (Life Sciences)84757056Closed74
9B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical ScienceClosed8483655082.33
9B.Sc (Hons) Zoology857977Closed5275
9B.Sc. Physical Science with ElectronicsClosedClosedClosed454576
9B.Sc. Physical Science with ChemistryClosedClosed62454577.33
9B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosedClosedClosedClosed4582.75
9B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer88.33Closed69.33504578.33
10B.Sc (Hons) Biomedical ScienceClosed8281605082.33
10B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science89ClosedClosed554679
10B.Sc (Hons) Electronics84Closed70464674
10B.Sc (Hons) ZoologyClosed7776Closed4675
10B.Sc (Hons) Botany817375Closed4571
10B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry91.66Closed77604681.66
10B.Sc. Physical Science with ChemistryClosedClosed58454577.33
10B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosed8360Closed84.33
10B.Sc (Life Sciences)807566Closed4570
10B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer88Closed68.66484178
10B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosedClosedClosedClosed4582.75
10B.Sc. Physical Science with ElectronicsClosedClosedClosed454176
1B.Com (Hons.)948680707085
2B.Com (Hons.)938579696883
3B.Com (Hons.)92.584.578676582.5
4B.Com (Hons.)92.258476656382.25
5B.Com (Hons.)918274636181
6B.Com (Hons.)90.580.572605980.5
7B.Com (Hons.)907971565580
8B.Com (Hons.)NA76.570515080
9B.Com (Hons.)877065454577
10B.Com (Hons.)Closed6560404077

List of Courses Offered On the Basis of Class 12th Marks

S. NoProgrammes
1.B. Com. (H)
2.B. Sc. (H) Biomedical Sciences
3.B. Sc. (H) Botany
4.B. Sc. (H) Chemistry
5.B. Sc. (H) Computer Science
6.B. Sc. (H) Electronics
7.B. Sc. (H) Mathematics
8.B. Sc. (H) Physics
9.B. Sc. (H) Zoology
10.B. Sc. Life Sciences
11.B. Sc. Physical Sciences (Chemistry)
12.B. Sc. Physical Sciences (Comp. Sc.)
13.B. Sc. Physical Sciences (Electronics)

DU College Cut off list 2021

Name of the collegeLocation
Bhagini Nivedita CollegeWest Delhi
Bharati CollegeWest Delhi
Bhaskaracharya College of Applied SciencesWest Delhi
Bhim Rao Ambedkar CollegeEast Delhi
College of Vocational StudiesSouth Delhi
Daulat Ram CollegeNorth Delhi
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya CollegeWest Delhi
Delhi College of Arts & CommerceDhaula Kaun
Deshbandhu CollegeSouth Delhi
Dyal Singh CollegeSouth Delhi
Dyal Singh College (evening)South Delhi
Gargi CollegeSouth Delhi
Hans Raj CollegeNorth Delhi
Hindu CollegeNorth Delhi
Indraprastha College for WomenNorth Delhi
Institute of Home EconomicsSouth Delhi
Janaki Devi Memorial CollegeWest Delhi
Jesus & Mary CollegeDhaula Kaun
Kalindi CollegeWest Delhi
Kamala Nehru CollegeSouth Delhi

Contact Details

Acharya Narendra Dev College, Govindpuri,
Kalkaji, New Delhi – 110019
Email ID: [email protected]
Phone no: 26294542, 26293224
Fax no: 26294540

If you have any query related to Acharya Narendra Dev College Cut Off in this article, then please write in the comment section below.


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