KEA KCET Syllabus 2024: The KCET is a state-level entrance test that takes place to offer admission into various B.Tech programs are offered by the government and the private institutions of Karnataka. In order to appear for the KEA KAR CET exam, the students must go through the KCET Syllabus PDF as well as the exam pattern first. Therefore, the students must begin the preparation for KCET 2024 as early as possible. Also, the KEA KCET can also be downloaded via the official website ( In this article, we will discuss the KEA KCET chapter wise weightage & syllabus of Physics, Maths & Chemistry. So, keep on reading the article.

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KEA KAR Syllabus Of KCET 2024

In order to sit for the examination, the candidates need to be well-versed with the syllabus as well as the KCET exam pattern. Here is a detailed guide to the KCET syllabus subject-wise.

KEA KCET Physics Syllabus

PUC 1st Year

Physical-worldScope and excitement of physics, Physics, technology and society, Mention of fundamental forces in nature, Nature of physical laws, etc.
Units and MeasurementsUnit of measurement: System of units, SI units, Fundamental and derived units, Length, mass and time measurements, Accuracy and precision of measuring instruments

Errors in Measurement: Significant Figures, Dimensions of physical quantities – Dimensional analysis and its applications, etc. (a) Checking of Dimensional consistency of equations (b) Deducing Relation among Physical Quantities, Numerical Problems

Motion in a straight linePosition and Frame of Reference- Definitions of path length and displacement, Definitions of average speed and average velocity, instantaneous speed and instantaneous velocity & uniform and non-uniform motion, Uniformly accelerated motion, Position-time graph – velocity-time graph, Elementary concepts of differentiation and integration for describing motion, Numerical Problems.
Motion in a PlaneScalars and vectors – Position and displacement vectors – Equality of vectors – Multiplication of a vector by a real number.
Addition and subtraction of two vectors: Triangle method and the parallelogram method. Unit vector – Resolution of a vector: Rectangular components. Resultant of two concurrent vectors, Scalar and vector products of two vectors with examples.
Motion in a plane with constant acceleration.
Projectile motion: Derivations of the equation of path, time of flight, maximum height and horizontal range, of a projectile.Uniform Circular motion: Derivation of centripetal acceleration, Numerical Problems.
Laws of MotionAristotle’s fallacy – Newton’s first law of motion: Concept of inertia and force, Concept of momentum, Newton’s second law of motion: Derivation and definition of SI Unit of Force, Impulse, impulsive force, and examples.
Newton’s third law of motion, Law of conservation of linear momentum: Statement and proof in the case of collision of two bodies. Condition for the equilibrium of a particle under the action of concurrent forces.
Friction: Static and kinetic friction – Laws of friction – Rolling friction – Methods of reducing friction.
Dynamics of uniform circular motion: Derivation of the maximum speed of a car moving on the banked circular road and discuss in the case of a level circular road, Numerical
Work, Energy, and PowerWork: Definition of Work and discussion of various cases-Work done by a constant force and a variable force.

Kinetic Energy-Work-energy theorem: Statement and proof in the case of a rectilinear motion under constant acceleration.

Concept of Potential Energy-Principle of conservation of mechanical energy: Statement and illustration in the case of a freely falling body.

Conservative and non-conservative forces with examples. The potential energy of spring

Power: Definition and derivation of power
Collisions: Elastic and inelastic collisions – Collisions in one dimension:

Derivation of loss of kinetic energy in completely inelastic collisions -Derivation of final velocity of masses undergoing elastic collision – Collisions in two dimensions, Numerical Problems.

Systems of Particles and Rotational MotionDefinitions of a rigid body, translatory motion, and rotatory motion – Centre of the mass of a two-particle system – Mention of expression for position coordinates of centre of mass of (a) n particle system (b) a rigid body and (c) a uniform thin rod.

Definition of angular velocity, Definitions of angular acceleration and moment of a force-torque – Angular momentum of a particle.

Definitions of moment of inertia and radius of gyration-Theorems of parallel and perpendicular axes: Statement and explanation-Mention of expressions for moment of inertia of simple geometrical objects.

Kinematics of rotational motion about a fixed axis, Principle of conservation of angular momentum

GravitationKepler’s laws of planetary motion, Acceleration due to gravity: Derivation of the relation between g and G, Gravitational potential energy: Derivation of gravitational potential energy, Earth satellites, etc.
Mechanical properties of solidsElasticity and plasticity, Elastic behavior of solids, Stress, and strain, Hooke’s law, Stress-strain curve, Elastic moduli: Definitions and expressions of Young’s modulus, Bulk modulus, etc
Mechanical properties of fluidsPressure, Derivation of pressure at a point inside a liquid, Gauge pressure, Pascal’s law: Statement and its applications, Streamline flow, Bernoulli’s principle, Viscosity, Reynolds number, Surface tension, etc.
Thermal Properties of MatterTemperature and heat, Thermal expansion of gases, specific hear capacity, Principle of Calorimetry, Latent Heat, Heat Transfer, Convection, Radiation
ThermodynamicsThermal equilibrium, Laws of Thermodynamics, Adiabatic process, Heat engines, Refrigerators, Reversible and irreversible processes, etc.
Kinetic theoryPeriodic and oscillatory motion: Definitions of Period and Frequency, Displacement as a function of time, Periodic functions, Simple harmonic motion, Oscillations due to a spring, etc.
OscillationsPeriodic and oscillatory motion: Definitions of Period and Frequency, Displacement as a function of time, Periodic functions, Simple harmonic motion, Oscillations due to a spring, etc.
WavesWave Motion, Speed of a longitudinal wave, Standing waves and normal modes, Doppler effect

KEA KCET PUC 2nd Year Syllabus

Electric Charges and FieldsElectric charges and their properties, Coulomb’s law, Electric field, Continuous charge distribution, Electric dipole, Electric field lines.
Electrostatic Potential and CapacitanceElectric Potential, Equipotential forces, Electric potential energy, Combination of capacitors, Van de Graaff generator
Current ElectricityElectric current meaning, Ohm’s law, Drift of electrons and origin of resistivity, Color code of carbon resistors, Electrical energy and power, Combination of resistors, Cells, Combination of cells, Kirchhoff’s rules, Wheatstone bridge, Potentiometer
Moving Charges and MagnetismConcept of a magnetic field, Motion of  charge in a uniform magnetic field, Velocity selector, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s circuital law
Magnetism and MatterBar magnet: Properties of magnetic field lines, Gauss law in magnetism, Earth’s magnetic field and its elements, Magnetic properties of materials, Hysteresis, Hysteresis loop, definitions of retentivity and coercivity, etc.
Electromagnetic InductionExperiments of Faraday and Henry, Lenz’s law, Inductance – Mutual inductance, Self-inductance, AC generator, etc.
Alternating CurrentMention of expression for instantaneous, peak and RMS values of alternating current and voltage, AC voltage applied to a resistor, AC voltage applied to an inductor, AC voltage applied to series LCR circuit, Mention of expression for power in ac circuit, LC oscillations, etc.
Electromagnetic WavesDisplacement current, need for displacement current, expression for displacement current, expression for Ampere-Maxwell law, Electromagnetic waves, Electromagnetic spectrum, etc.
Ray Optics and Optical InstrumentsReflection of light by spherical mirrors, Mirror equation, Refraction of light, Total internal reflection, Refraction at spherical surfaces, Refraction of light through prism, Scattering of light, Optical Instruments, Telescope
Wave OpticsWave front, Young’s experiment, Resolving power of optical instruments, Polarisation
Dual Nature of Radiation and MatterElectron emission, Einsteins photoelectric equation, Particle nature of light, Wave nature of matter
AtomsAlpha particle scattering, Schematic diagram of Geiger-Marsden experiment, Rutherford’s model of an atom, Atomic spectra, Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, Derivation of the energy of an electron in stationary states of the hydrogen atom, etc, Atomic spectra, Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, Numerical problems.
NucleiDefinition of the atomic mass unit, Isotopes, isobars and isotones, explanation of the mass defect and binding energy, Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, Radioactivity, etc.
Semiconductor ElectronicsEnergy bands in solids, Semiconductor diode, Diode as a rectifier, Zener diode, Junction transistor, Transistor as an amplifier, Logic gates.
Communication SystemsBlock diagram of generalized communication system, Transducer, Signal, Noise, Transmitter, Receiver, Attenuation, Amplification, Range, Bandwidth, the bandwidth of transmission medium for coaxial cable, free space and optical fibers, Propagation of electromagnetic waves, etc.

KEA KCET Chemistry Syllabus

1st Year PUC

Some Basic Concepts of ChemistryGeneral introduction: Importance and scope of chemistry, Properties of matter and their measurement, Laws of chemical combination, Dalton’s atomic theory, Atomic and molecular masses, Avogadro constant, mole and molar mass, Reactions in solutions, etc.
Structure of AtomDiscovery of electron, proton, and neutron, Atomic models, Bohr’s model-postulates and its limitations, concept of shells and subshells, dual nature of matter and light, de-Brogilie relationship, Quantum numbers, shapes of s, p, d orbitals, Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle, Hund’s rule.
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesSignificance of classification, Mendeleev periodic law, Henry Moseley observation based on X-ray spectra of elements, account of groups, periods, s, p, d and f blocks, Periodic trends in properties of elements with reason, etc.
Chemical Bonding and Molecular StructureChemical bond, valence electrons, Octet rule, Lewis symbols, Bond parameters, Geometry of molecules, Hybridisation concept, MOT, Hydrogen Bonding.
States of Matter-Gases and LiquidsIntroduction, intermolecular forces, Thermal energy, Gaseous state, Boyle’s law and Charles’ law, Avogadro law, STP conditions, Ideal gas, Behaviour of real gases, Boyle temperature and Boyle point, Liquifaction of gases, Liquid state, Surface tension and viscosity.
ThermodynamicsThermodynamic terms – concepts of system, surroundings, Internal energy: as a state function, work and heat, Exothermic and endothermic reactions, Heat capacity, specific heat, Thermochemical equations- examples, enthalpy of a reaction, Spontaneous and non-spontaneous processes, etc.
EquilibriumIntroduction, equilibrium state of a system, Homoegenous and heterogenous equilibria, Factors affecting equilibrium, Effect of temperature, Effect of concentration, Effect of pressure, Ionic equilibrium, Ionisation constant of weak acid and weak base, Common ion effect, Buffer solutions, Hydrolysis of salts, pH of their solutions, Conditions for precipitation, common ion effect on solubility of ionic salts.
Redox reactionsConcept of oxidation and reduction, Redox reactions, Oxidation number, Oxidation, reduction, oxidizing agent/oxidant, Types of redox reactions, etc.
HydrogenPosition of hydrogen in the periodic table, reaction with halogens, dioxygen, physical properties, chemical properties, dinitrogen, Hydrides – classification, Dihydrogen as a fuel – meaning of hydrogen economy
s – Block ElementsGroup – I & Group – II: elements electronic configuration, occurrence, trends in ionization enthalpy, hydration enthalpy, atomic and ionic radii, Anomalous properties of lithium, Preparation and properties of some compounds, Biological importance of sodium and potassium, etc.
Some p – Block ElementsGeneral introduction to p– block elements-electronic configuration, oxidation states, inert pair effect, anomalous behavior of the first member of each group, Group 13 elements, Group – 14 elements, Carbon: anomalous behavior, reason, catenation, allotropic forms, etc.
Organic Chemistry-Some basic principles & techniquesGeneral Introduction, Shapes of carbon compounds, Structural representation, Classification of organic compounds, functional groups, Isomerism, Fundamental concepts in organic reactions, Electron movement in organic reactions, Methods of purification of organic compounds, Qualitative analysis, Quantitative analysis.
HydrocarbonsClassification of hydrocarbons, Alkanes, Chemical properties, substitution reaction, conformational isomerism, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons, chemical properties of benzene, carcinogenicity and toxicity of benzene and polynuclear hydrocarbons to be mentioned.
Environmental chemistryEnvironmental pollution, Air pollution or troposphere pollution, Stratospheric Pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, Strategies to control environmental pollution, Green chemistry: Introduction, green chemistry in day-to-day life, etc.


KEA KCET PUC 2nd year Syllabus

Solid StateGeneral characteristics of solids: amorphous and crystalline solids, Classification of crystalline solids, Definitions – lattice point, crystal lattice, unit cell, coordination number, Close packing in two dimensional and three-dimensional lattices, Point defects-types, Electrical properties, etc.
SolutionsTypes of Solutions – binary – gaseous, liquids and solids, Solution of liquid in liquid, Solution of a solid in a liquid, Raoult’s law, Numerical problems on the determination of molar mass using colligative properties, Abnormal molar mass, etc.
ElectrochemistryRedox reaction, Electrolysis, Galvanic cells, factors affecting the products of electrolysis, examples, Batteries, Corrosion.
Chemical KineticsRate of a reaction, Molecularity, temperature dependence, collision theory.
Surface chemistryAdsorption: adsorbate, adsorbent, examples, distinction between adsorption and absorption, Physisorption and chemisorption, Catalysis: homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, Classification of colloids-types of colloidal systems, Properties of colloids: Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, etc.
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of ElementsPrinciples and methods of extraction: concentration of ores, hydraulic washing, magnetic separation, froth floatation, leaching of alumina from bauxite, roasting, and calcination, extraction of different metals, Refining: principles and examples each for distillation, etc.
p-Block ElementsGeneral introduction, occurrence, Dinitrogen, compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus, oxacids. Group 16 elements- general introduction, occurrence, dioxygen, ozone, sulphur, compounds of sulphur, compounds of sulphur, Oxacids of sulphur. Group 17 elements-General introduction, occurrence, electronic configuration. Chlorine– preparation, properties, oxacids of halogen. Interhalogen compounds-Preparation, properties. Group 18 elements-Introduction, occurrence, electronic configuration, trends in physical and chemical properties.
d and f Block ElementsIntroduction, electronic configuration, potassium permanganate, f-block elements, actinoids.
Coordination CompoundsGeneral introduction to salts, the difference between double salt and coordination, Coordination entity, central metal ion, coordination number, Werner’s theory, CFT (crystal field theory), Spectrochemical series, compare weak field ligand, Isomerism, Stereoisomerism, Importance of coordination compounds, etc.
Haloalkanes and HaloarenesClassification based on hybridization of carbon, Preparation from alcohols, Physical properties, Reactions of haloalkanes, Nucleophilic substitution reactions, Optical isomerism, Elimination reaction ( ß elimination, Haloarenes, Electrophilic substitution reactions for chlorobenzene, Reaction with metals, etc.
Alcohols, Phenols and EthersClassification: mono, di, tri,  allylic, and benzylic alcohols, mono, di, and trihydric phenols, Preparation of alcohols, Preparation of phenol, Physical and Chemical properties of primary alcohols, Esterification and acylation of alcohols/phenols, Reactions of phenol, etc.
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acidsAldehydes and ketones: nomenclature, nature of carbonyl group, methods of preparation.

Physical properties: boiling points and solubility.

Chemical properties: Nucleophilic addition reactions.

Condensation reactions with derivatives of ammonia, reactions, Cannizzaro’s reaction, electrophilic substitution reaction. Carboxylic acids, methods of preparations, Physical properties

Organic Compounds Containing NitrogenAmines: Structure of amines, classification, Methods of preparation: Reduction of nitrobenzene, reduction of nitrile and amide, Physical and Chemical properties, Diazonium salts¸ Retention of the diazo group, etc.
BiomoleculesCarbohydrates: classification-based on hydrolysis, Glucose, Disaccharide, Polysaccharides, Proteins, Classification of ?-amino acids, Hormones, Vitamins, Nucleic acids, etc.
PolymersPolymer, monomer, polymerization, macromolecule, Classification: source, structure, types (mode) of polymerization, Methods of polymerization, Name of monomer/s and partial structure for the polymers, Rubber, Non-biodegradable polymers, etc.
Chemistry in Everyday LifeChemicals in medicines: drugs, chemotherapy – different classes of drugs- antacids, etc.; Chemicals in food: artificial sweetening agents, preservatives; Cleansing agents: soaps, the process of saponification with an equation, etc

KEA KCET Maths Syllabus 2024

PUC 1st Year

Mathematical ReasoningDefinition of proposition and problems, Logical connectives, compound proposition, problems, Quantifiers, negation, consequences of
implication-contrapositive and converse, problems, proving a
statement by the method of contradiction by giving a counter-example.
Statistics and ProbabilityStatistics: Measure of dispersion, range, mean deviation, variance and standard deviation of ungrouped/grouped data.

Probability: Random experiments, outcomes, sample spaces (set representation). Events: Occurrence of events, ‘not’, ‘and’ & ‘or’ events, exhaustive events, mutually exclusive events. Axiomatic (set theoretic) probability, connections with the theories of earlier classes. Probability of an event, probability of ‘not’, ‘and’, & ‘or’ events.

AlgebraPrinciple of Mathematical Induction, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations, Linear Inequalities, Permutations and Combinations,  Binomial Theorem, Sequence and Series.
Coordinate GeometryStraight Lines, Conic Section, Introduction to 3D Geometry
CalculusLimits and Derivatives
Sets and FunctionsTypes of Sets, Operation on Sets, Venn diagrams, Cartesian product of sets, Relation and Functions, Trigonometric Functions (Angle, the definition of trigonometric functions, signs of trigonometric functions, trigonometric equations)


KEA KCET PUC 2nd Year Syllabus

Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsDefinition, range, domain, principal value branches. Mentioning domain and range of trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, Conversion of one inverse trigonometric function to another, etc.
MatricesColumn matrix, row matrix, rectangular matrix, square matrix, zero matrix, diagonal matrix, scalar matrix and unit matrix, Equality of matrices, Addition, multiplication, scalar multiplication of matrices, Transpose of a matrix, Symmetric and skew symmetric matrices, Concept of elementary row and column operations, etc.
Application Of IntegralsArea under the curve: area under simple curves, especially lines, arcs of circles/parabolas/ellipses, Area bounded by two above said curves: problems
Linear ProgrammingIntroduction of L.P.P. definition of constraints, objective function, optimization, constraint equations, non- negativity restrictions, Mathematical formulation-mathematical formulation of L.P.P, Different types of L.P.P, etc.

KCET Syllabus 2024 for Biology Exam

PUC 1st Year

Chapters Details
Body fluids and CirculationComposition of the blood, Blood groups, Coagulation of blood, Composition, and Functions of Lymph, Human circulatory system, Structure of human heart and blood vessels, Disorders of circulatory system Hypertension, etc.
Excretory Products and their EliminationModes of excretion Amn1onoteiism. Ureotelism, uricotelism, Human excretory system-structure and function, Urine formulation, Osmoregulation, Regulation of kidney function, Disorders: Uraemia, Renal failure, renal calculi, and Nephritis, etc.
Locomotion and MovementTypes of movement ciliary, flagellar, muscular, Skeletal muscle – contractile proteins and muscle, Disorders of the muscular and skeletal system, Muscular dystrophy, Arthritis. Osteoporosis and Gout, etc.
Neural Control and Co-ordinationThe human nervous system, Central Nervous system, Peripheral Nervous system, and Visceral Nervous system, Structure of a neuron, Generation and conduction of nerve impulse, etc.
Photosynthesis in Higher PlantsAutotrophic Nutrition, Priestley’s Experiment, Site of. photosynthesis, structure of chloroplast, Photosynthetic pigments (Elementary idea), light reaction, Cyclic Chemiosmotic and non-cyclic hypothesis, Photorespiration, etc.
Respiration in PlantsCellular respiration glycolysis, fermentation (anaerobic), TCA cycle and electron transport system (aerobic), Respiration balance sheet, Respiratory quotient of nutrients, etc.
Plant Growth and DevelopmentPhases and rate of plant growth, Condition of growth, Differentiation, dedifferentiation and redifferentiation, Growth regulators-auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene, Photoperiodism, Vernalisation, etc.
Digestion and AbsorptionHuman alimentary canal and Digestive glands, Role of digestive enzymes, Digestion, absorption and assimilation of digested food, Nutritional and digestive disorders, Indigestion, constipation, vomiting, Jaundice, etc.
Morphology of Flowering PlantsMorphology and functions of different parts of flowering plants, Root. Stem. leaf, inflorescence, flower, fruit and seed, modification of root, stem and leaf, etc.
Anatomy and Flowering PlantsTissues and tissue system, the anatomy of root, stem, and leaves of dicot and monocot plant, (Anatomy of root and stem to be studied in practical)
BiomoleculesDefinition, Types, and functions of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, nucleic acids, Enzymes types, properties, factors affecting enzyme action, etc.
Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionCell Cycle, Mitosis, and meiosis, the significance of and differences, between Mitosis and meiosis, etc.
Living WorldDefinition of living organisms, Characteristics of living organisms, Diversity In the living world- biodiversity definition, Nomenclature, Binomial nomenclature, rules, Taxonomic categories, taxonomical aids-herbarium, botanical garden, museum, zoological park, etc.
Biological ClassificationClassification of living organisms, Five kingdoms of life and basis of five kingdom classification, Salient features and Classification of Monera, Protista, and Fungi into major groups, Virus, Viroids, and Lichens, etc.
Plant KingdomSalient feature and classification of plants into major group Algae, Bryophytes. Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, and features of each category, Angiosperms Classification up lo class, characteristic features and examples, etc.
Breathing and Exchange of GasesRespiratory organs in animals, Human respiratory system, Mechanism of Breathing and its regulation, Exchange of gases, transport of gases and regulation of respiration, Disorders related to respiration Asthma, Emphysema, Occupational respiratory disorders, etc.


KEA KCETPUC 2nd Year Syllabus

Microbes in Human WelfareMicrobes in household products, Microbes In Industrial Product, Microbes In Sewages Treatment, Microbes In The Production Of Biogas, Microbes As Biocontrol Agents, Microbes As Biofertilizers, etc.
Biotech: Principles and ProcessesPrinciples of Biotechnology, Tools of Recombination DNA Technology, Restriction Enzymes, Cloning Vectors, Processes of Recombinant DNA Technology, Isolation of the Genetic Material (DNA), Obtaining the Foreign Gene Product, etc.
Biotech: ApplicationBiotechnology Applications in Agricultural BT Cotton, Biotechnological Applications in Medicine, Genetically Engineered Insulin, Gene Therapy, etc.
Organism and PopulationOrganisms and its Environment, Major Abiotic Factors, Responses to Abiotic Factors, Adaptations, Population attributes, Population Growth, Population Interactions, etc.
EcosystemEcosystem structure and function, Productivity, Decomposition, Ecological Pyramids, Succession of Plants, Nutrient Cycling, Ecosystem Carbon Cycle, Ecosystem services, etc.
Biodiversity and ConservationBiodiversity types, Biodiversity of the World and India, The importance of species diversity to the ecosystem, loss of biodiversity, Biodiversity Conservation, etc.
Environmental IssuesAir Pollution and its Control, Water Pollution and its Control, Domestic Sewage and industrial effluents, Agrochemicals and their effects, Radioactive waste, Greenhouse effect, and Global warming, Ozone depletion and the stratosphere, Deforestation, etc.
Reproduction in OrganismsAsexual Reproduction, Budding, Binary Fission, Vegetative Propagation, Sexual Reproduction, Events in Sexual Reproduction, Pre-fertilization events and Post-Fertilization Events, Gametogenesis, Gamete Transfer, etc.
Human ReproductionThe male reproductive system, The female reproductive system, Gametogenesis, Menstrual Cycle, Fertilisation and Implantation, Pregnancy and Embryonic Development, Parturition and Lactation, etc.
Reproductive HealthReproductive Health Problems and Strategies, Population Explosion and Birth Control, Contraception and Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP), Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Infertility, etc.
EvolutionOrigin of Life, Evolution of Life Forms, Evidence for Evolution, Mechanism of Evolution, Hardy-Weinberg Principle, Origin and Evolution of man, etc.

Recommended Books For KEA KCET Syllabus 2024

Candidates who are going to appear for KEA KAR KCET 2024 can take the help of the books recommended below.

KEA KCET Books For Physics

  1. NCERT Textbooks of Physics (Class 11 and 12)
  2. S.Chand’s Principles of Physics
  3. Pradeep’s Fundamental Physics (Class 11 and 12)
  4. Physics for 1st Year PUC by AS Govind

KEA KCET Books For Chemistry

  1. Chemistry for 1st Year PUC by Prof. Somashekara Prasad
  2. NCERT Chemistry Textbooks for Class 11 and 12
  3. Pradeep’s New Course Chemistry
  4. Modern’s ABC of Chemistry

KEA KCET Books For Mathematics

  1. NCERT Mathematics Textbooks for Class 11 and 12
  2. Mathematics for 1st Year PUC BY Dr. PG Umarani

So this was all about KCET Syllabus 2024 along with some recommendations of the books for different subjects. For more details about KCET 2024, the candidates can check the official website. In case, the candidates have some queries or doubts, they can ask us in the comment section below.


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