Kalindi College Cut Off 2021: The Controller of Examinations of Kalindi College will release the Fifth Cut Off List for various courses on the official website of the University of Delhi. Therefore, the students who are aspiring to take admission must fill the DU Application Form from 2021. The candidates can check the cut off list from the official website. Also, they can get the List of Marks for admission from the notice boards of the respective colleges. The cut off list of Kalindi College will be released as soon as class 12th results are announced. Therefore, the candidates must visit the official website to get the latest updates.

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Kalindi College is located in West Delhi and affiliated with the University of Delhi. It offers admission to various undergraduate courses on the basis of class 12 marks. Every year it releases multiple cut-off lists for admission to different undergraduate courses. The candidates who meet the Kalindi College cut off 2021 are granted admission to this college. To know the Kalindi College Cut Off 2021 for admission in this college for the academic session 2021-22, read the full article.

Dates for publication of Kalindi College Cut Off 2021

The dates for the publication of Kalindi College Cut off will be available in an online mode on the official website. It is important that the applicant must keep visiting the website on a regular basis. The officially released schedule will provide the dates and the events of the admission procedure. The candidates must keep themselves updated with the latest details of the cut off notification. Once the schedule will be available, the applicant will have to save and download it so as not to miss any of the important dates and events.

The schedule of DU Cut off 2021 is mentioned in the tabular format below. The official dates are available as soon as they are released.



St Stephen’s College first cut offto be announced
Kalindi College first cut-off list

Admission against First cutoff list

Last date of fee payment
Second cut off list of DU 2021

DU Admission cut off against Second Round

Last date of fee payment
Third cut off list

Admission against Third cutoff list

Last date of fee payment
Delhi University Fourth cut off list

Admission against Fourth cutoff list

Last date of fee payment
DU Fifth cut off list

Admission against Fifth cutoff list

Last date of fee payment
Session commences
Special cutoff list

DU admission cut off against special round

Last date of fee payment

Kalindi College Cut Off 2021

The cut off of Kalindi College will be released in an online mode on the official website. The cut off will be available as per on the date as mentioned in the official release schedule. It is important that the candidate must have filled up the Application Form and submitted it before the due date. The cut off list will provide the minimum of the marks to be secured by the candidate in their qualifying examination. The applicant will have to aim to secure the defined cut off marks. The college will release the multiple cut off lists of various courses and the streams. It must be noted that the candidate will have to go through the cut off list of the course for which they applied for the admission. The applicant will have to fill up the Application form and the details provided in the form has to be valid and correct. If any of the discrepancies are found to be in the form, the applicant will not be able to proceed further. The details will be cross-checked at the time of the final admission.

Procedure to check Kalindi College Cut Off List 2021

The Applicants can go through the procedure of checking the cut off list of Kalindi College. It is important that the candidate must avoid any form of error while checking the cut off list which will be available in an online mode.

  • Visit the official website of the University and go to the admission portal.
  • The link of the cut off list along with the name of the College will be available.
  • Click on the link of the college for which the candidate has applied.
  • The list will appear on the screen in a PDF format. Go through the cut off marks as per the category which will be mentioned in the list.
  • Candidates are advised that they must save and download it for future references.

Kalindi College Cut Off 2019, 2018, 2017

1B.A (Hons) English908180798080
1B.A (Hons) Economics969184848691
1B.A (Hons) Geography938786868686
1B.A (Hons) Hindi827876747676
1B.A (Hons) History878074737575
1B.A. (Hons.) Journalism969389878990
1B.A (Hons) Political Science888483828080
1B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology969493939494
1B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web Designing908785838787
1B.Sc (Hons) Botany929189868590
1B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry939084838989
1B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science908381818383
1B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics928986828289
1B.Com (Prog.)939083828686
1B.Com (Hons.)969186848786
1B.Sc (Hons) Zoology949290878691
1B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
1B.Sc (Hons) Physics949087868989
1B.Sc (Life Sciences)908982798389
1B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer908684838888
1B.A. Programme (Economics + Political)868380777471
1B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + Music)787572696663
1B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Economics)848178757269
1B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB))848178757269
1B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Mathematics)827976737067
1B.A. Programme (Economics + Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB))868380777471
1B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + History)807774716865
1B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + Political Science)807774716865
1B.A. Programme (Economics + Geography)868380777471
1B.A. Programme (Economics + History)868380777471
1B.A. Programme (Economics + Mathematics)827976737067
1B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + History)868380777471
1B.A. Programme (Geography + History)868380777471
1B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Geography)868380777471
1B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Political Science)868380777471
1B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Mathematics)827976737067
1B.A. Programme (History + Political Science)868380777471
1B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Buddhist Studies)787572696663
1B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + History)807774716865
1B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Music)787572696663
1B.A. Programme (Geography + Political Science)868380777471
1B.A. Programme (Music + Political Science)807774716865
1B.A. Programme (Geography + Mathematics)827976737067
1B.A. Programme (History + Music)807774716865
1B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Political Science)807774716865
1B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Geography)848178757269
2B.A (Hons) Economics938883838388
2B.A (Hons) History877974737474
2B.A. (Hons.) Journalism949187858788
2B.A (Hons) Political ScienceClosed8382807879.5
2B.A (Hons) EnglishClosedClosedClosed7980Closed
2B.A (Hons) Geography918685858585
2B.Com (Prog.)918780798282
2B.A (Hons) Hindi807674747474
2B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
2B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry918777758686
2B.Com (Hons.)938883838388
2B.Sc (Hons) Botany908987848390
2B.Sc (Hons) Physics928885848888
2B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosedClosed84808087
2B.Sc (Hons) Zoology929088858490
2B.Sc (Prog.) Life Science888782788388
2B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology969493939494
2B.Sc Physical Science with Computer Science878482818787
2B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web Designing868381798484
2B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + History)797673NANANA
2B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + Political Science)Closed7673706767
2B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + Music)76737067NANA
2B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB))848078737468
2B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Economics)827876717266
2B.Sc (Hons) Computer ScienceClosedClosed78788383
2B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Mathematics)Closed7875726968
2B.A. Programme (Economics + History)8480777471NA
2B.A. Programme (Economics + Mathematics)ClosedClosed7471NANA
2B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Geography)848178737468
2B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Geography)84Closed82NANANA
2B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + History)838077NANANA
2B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Mathematics)80777471NANA
2B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Political Science)858279757370
2B.A. Programme (Geography + History)Closed82Closed76NANA
2B.A. Programme (Economics + Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB))84827975NANA
2B.A. Programme (Economics + Geography)848278767471
2B.A. Programme (Economics + Political)848279767372
2B.A. Programme (History + Political Science)Closed82ClosedClosed7373
2B.A. Programme (Geography + Political Science)858279767370
2B.A. Programme (Music + Political Science)Closed7573707070
2B.A. Programme (History + Music)Closed7673NANANA
2B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + History)78757269NANA
2B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Buddhist Studies)767370NANANA
2B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Music)7673706765NA
2B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Political Science)787572696663
2B.A. Programme (Geography + Mathematics)80777471NANA
3B.A (Hons) Hindi797472707174
3B.A (Hons) HistoryClosed78.5ClosedClosed7373
3B.A. (Hons.) Journalism928784828586
3B.A (Hons) EconomicsClosed8680788088
3B.A (Hons) Political ScienceClosedClosedClosed797678
3B.A (Hons) EnglishClosedClosedClosedClosed80Closed
3B.A. (Hons.) French90Closed83828383
3B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
3B.Com (Prog.)Closed85.5Closed7780Closed
3B.Com (Hons.)Closed87.582818188
3B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology949291919292
3B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web Designing807674727878
3B.Sc (Hons) ChemistryClosedClosedClosed708181
3B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science89Closed75758085
3B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosed81808686
3B.Sc (Applied Life Sciences)868480768086
3B.Sc (Hons) Zoology89.338885838289
3B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer848177768283
3B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + History)787572NANANA
3B.Sc (Hons) Botany878684818188
3B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosedClosed82787885
3B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + Music)747168NANANA
3B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosed6966NA
3B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Economics)Closed75726970NA
3B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Geography)ClosedClosed75NANANA
3B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB))Closed7572NANANA
3B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Mathematics)Closed7572NANANA
3B.A. Programme (Economics + History)8379767370NA
3B.A. Programme (Economics + Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB))Closed807773NANA
3B.A. Programme (Economics + Geography)82807674NANA
3B.A. Programme (Economics + Mathematics)Closed767269NANA
3B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Geography)828180NANANA
3B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + History)Closed7875NANANA
3B.A. Programme (Economics + Political)Closed807775NANA
3B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Mathematics)Closed757269NANA
3B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Political Science)Closed817874NANA
3B.A. Programme (Geography + History)8580Closed74NANA
3B.A. Programme (History + Music)Closed7471NANANA
3B.A. Programme (Geography + Mathematics)Closed757269NANA
3B.A. Programme (Geography + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosed72NA
3B.A. Programme (History + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosed72NA
3B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Music)7471686563NA
3B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Buddhist Studies)747168NANANA
3B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Political Science)76737168NANA
3B.A. Programme (Music + Political Science)Closed737168NANA
3B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + History)76737168NANA
4B.A. (Hons) Hindi7872Closed687073
4B.A. (Hons) HistoryClosed78Closed72.57273
4B.A. (Hons) EnglishClosedClosedClosed7979Closed
4B.A. (Hons.) JournalismClosed858280.58485.5
4B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
4B.A. (Hons) Political ScienceClosedClosedClosed777477
4B.Com (Prog.)Closed84787272Closed
4B.A. (Hons) Geography89Closed80788080
4B.A. (Hons) EconomicsClosed83.575737586
4B.Com (Hons.)Closed86.580767587
4B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology939190909292
4B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web Designing777371697676
4B.Sc (Hons) BotanyClosed85.583.5818187
4B.Sc (Hons) ChemistryClosedClosed76698080
4B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics9188.581.5767684
4B.Sc (Life Sciences)85.758378758085
4B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosed73738584
4B.Sc (Hons) Computer ScienceClosedClosed74727984
4B.Sc (Hons) Zoology88.338782808088
4B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosed8070708082
4B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + History)Closed74ClosedNANANA
4B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + Music)73Closed67NANANA
4B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB))ClosedClosedClosedNANANA
4B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Geography)ClosedClosedClosedNANANA
4B.A. Programme (Economics + Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB))ClosedClosed7570NANA
4B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Mathematics)Closed7471NANANA
4B.A. Programme (Economics + History)ClosedClosed757269NA
4B.A. Programme (Economics + Geography)Closed77Closed73NANA
4B.A. Programme (Economics + Mathematics)ClosedClosedClosed68NANA
4B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosed6865NA
4B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Economics)ClosedClosedClosedClosed69NA
4B.A. Programme (Economics + Political)Closed7876ClosedNANA
4B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Geography)Closed7978NANANA
4B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Mathematics)Closed747168NANA
4B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + History)827774NANANA
4B.A. Programme (Geography + Mathematics)Closed74Closed68NANA
4B.A. Programme (Geography + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosed70NA
4B.A. Programme (History + Music)Closed7369NANANA
4B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Political Science)8378Closed72NANA
4B.A. Programme (Geography + History)ClosedClosedClosed73NANA
4B.A. Programme (History + Political Science)Closed80ClosedClosedClosedNA
4B.A. Programme (Music + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosed66NANA
4B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Buddhist Studies)726966NANANA
4B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Political Science)74727067NANA
4B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Music)7269Closed6361NA
4B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + History)74717067NANA
5B.A. (Hons) EnglishClosedClosed7978.575Closed
5B.A. (Hons) Geography88.58578757879
5B.A. (Hons) Hindi77.56871606572
5B.A. (Hons) HistoryClosed77ClosedClosed7072
5B.A. (Hons.) JournalismClosed8180778284
5B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
5B.Com (Hons.)Closed84.579727385
5B.Com (Prog.)Closed80756870Closed
5B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology939190909292
5B.A. (Hons) EconomicsClosed82.5Closed657285
5B.A. (Hons) Political ScienceClosed83Closed747077
5B.Sc (Hons.) BotanyClosed8080757786
5B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web DesigningClosed6866637373
5B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosed8881757583
5B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosed86Closed728483
5B.Sc (Hons) Zoology88.338579787987
5B.Sc (Life Sciences)837773707383
5B.Sc (Hons) ChemistryClosedClosedClosed687979
5B.Sc (Hons) Computer ScienceClosed82.572707883
5B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + History)ClosedClosedClosedNANANA
5B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + Music)ClosedClosedClosedNANANA
5B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Economics)ClosedClosedClosedClosed68NA
5B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosed7665657982
5B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB))ClosedClosedClosedNANANA
5B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + Political Science)79ClosedClosed6764NA
5B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Geography)ClosedClosedClosedNANANA
5B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Mathematics)Closed7370NANANA
5B.A. Programme (Economics + Geography)Closed75Closed71NANA
5B.A. Programme (Economics + Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB))Closed787268NANA
5B.A. Programme (Economics + Mathematics)Closed757167NANA
5B.A. Programme (Economics + History)ClosedClosed747168NA
5B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Mathematics)Closed737067NANA
5B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Geography)Closed78ClosedNANANA
5B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Political Science)Closed7777.5ClosedNANA
5B.A. Programme (Geography + History)ClosedClosedClosed71NANA
5B.A. Programme (Geography + Mathematics)ClosedClosedClosed67NANA
5B.A. Programme (Geography + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosed7568NA
5B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + History)Closed76.5ClosedNANANA
5B.A. Programme (Economics + Political)Closed77.5ClosedClosedNANA
5B.A. Programme (History + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedNA
5B.A. Programme (Music + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosed65NANA
5B.A. Programme (History + Music)Closed72.5ClosedNANANA
5B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + History)7369Closed66NANA
5B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Music)Closed68Closed6260NA
5B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Buddhist Studies)706765NANANA
5B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Political Science)7371ClosedClosedNANA
6B.A. (Hons.) Economics7873637285
6B.A. (Hons.) Geography8074707677
6B.A. (Hons.) Journalism79787580Closed
6B.A. (Hons.) EnglishClosed78.577.573Closed
6B.A. (Hons.) Political Science81Closed706575
6B.A. (Hons.) HindiClosedClosed586472
6B.A. (Hons.) HistoryClosedClosedClosed69.571
6B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit45Closed454545
6B.Com (Prog.)79.5746568Closed
6B.Com (Hons.)84.5787070Closed
6B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology9190909292
6B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web Designing6563607072
6B.Sc (Hons.) Botany7977747786
6B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry86.3375667778
6B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology8277757786
6B.Sc (Hons.) Mathematics86807474Closed
6B.Sc (Life Sciences)ClosedClosed697283
6B.Sc (Hons.) PhysicsClosedClosed708282
6B.Sc (Hons.) Computer ScienceClosed70687782
6B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer7460607881
7B.A. (Hons.) EconomicsClosedClosed705868NA
7B.A. (Hons.) English89.580.5Closed7570Closed
7B.A. (Hons.) Geography8879ClosedClosed75NA
7B.A. (Hons.) HindiClosedClosedClosed556272
7B.A. (Hons.) History86.5ClosedClosedClosed66NA
7B.A. (Hons.) Journalism9077747079Closed
7B.A. (Hons.) Political ScienceClosed80ClosedClosed60NA
7B.A. (Hons.) SanskritClosed45Closed454545
7B.Com (Prog.)90.578.5Closed6066NA
7B.Com (Hons.)9383.5766568NA
7B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology9290909090Closed
7B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web DesigningClosed64615868Closed
7B.Sc (Hons.) Botany867874717584
7B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry89Closed73647677
7B.Sc (Hons.) Computer Science89816865Closed81
7B.Sc (Hons.) Mathematics9084787275Closed
7B.Sc (Hons.) Physics90ClosedClosed678181
7B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology87.66797571.667685
7B.Sc (Life Sciences)ClosedClosedClosed667183
7B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer84ClosedClosed587780
7B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + History)ClosedClosedClosedNANANA
7B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + Music)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedNA
7B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedNA
7B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Economics)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
7B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB))Closed74ClosedClosedClosedClosed
7B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Geography)ClosedClosed74ClosedClosedNA
7B.A. Programme (Economics + History)ClosedClosedClosed69NANA
7B.A. Programme (Economics + Mathematics)ClosedClosedClosed65NANA
7B.A. Programme (Economics + Political)Closed77ClosedClosedClosedNA
7B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Geography)ClosedClosed77ClosedClosedNA
7B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + History)Closed75.5ClosedClosedClosedClosed
7B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Mathematics)ClosedClosed696567NA
7B.A. Programme (Economics + Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB))Closed77Closed66ClosedClosed
7B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Political Science)Closed767771ClosedClosed
7B.A. Programme (Geography + History)ClosedClosedClosed69NANA
7B.A. Programme (Geography + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosed7466Closed
7B.A. Programme (Geography + Mathematics)ClosedClosedClosed65NANA
7B.A. Programme (History + Music)79ClosedClosedClosedNANA
7B.A. Programme (History + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedNANA
7B.A. Programme (Economics + Geography)ClosedClosedClosed69.5ClosedClosed
7B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + History)Closed66Closed64NANA
7B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Music)71.566Closed5960Closed
7B.A. Programme (Music + Political Science)Closed73Closed68ClosedClosed
7B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Buddhist Studies)Closed63ClosedClosedClosedClosed
7B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Mathematics)ClosedClosed69ClosedClosedNA
7B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Political Science)Closed69.5ClosedClosedClosedClosed
8B.A. (Hons.) English88.580Closed7268Closed
8B.A. (Hons.) HindiClosedClosedClosed546171
8B.A. (Hons.) History86ClosedClosedClosed65Closed
8B.A. (Hons.) Journalism8976Closed6778Closed
8B.A. (Hons.) Political ScienceClosed7881Closed59NA
8B.A. (Hons.) SanskritClosed45Closed454545
8B.Com (Prog.)88.577.572.55764NA
8B.A. (Hons.) Geography87.578ClosedClosedClosedNA
8B.A. (Hons.) EconomicsClosed76Closed536680
8B.Sc (Hons.) Botany847570677483
8B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry888672627677
8B.Com (Hons.)9282.5746165NA
8B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology9291909090NA
8B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web DesigningClosedClosedClosed5667NA
8B.Sc (Hons.) Computer Science8880Closed6476Closed
8B.Sc (Hons.) Mathematics8982767173Closed
8B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology8675.3374687584
8B.Sc (Hons.) Physics88Closed71658080
8B.Sc (Life Sciences)Closed7471647083
8B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + History)ClosedClosedClosed72ClosedClosed
8B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer84ClosedClosed577679
8B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + Music)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
8B.A. Programme (Buddhist Studies + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosed6463Closed
8B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Economics)ClosedClosedClosedClosed67Closed
8B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB))ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
8B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Geography)ClosedClosed73ClosedClosedClosed
8B.A. Programme (Computer Applications + Mathematics)ClosedClosed67NAClosedNA
8B.A. Programme (Economics + Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB))Closed75Closed65NANA
8B.A. Programme (Economics + Geography)ClosedClosedClosed68ClosedNA
8B.A. Programme (Economics + History)ClosedClosedClosed68.5ClosedNA
8B.A. Programme (Economics + Mathematics)Closed78Closed63NANA
8B.A. Programme (Economics + Political)Closed7674ClosedClosedNA
8B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + History)Closed75ClosedClosedClosedClosed
8B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Mathematics)Closed72686367NA
8B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Political Science)Closed757665ClosedClosed
8B.A. Programme (Geography + History)ClosedClosedClosed68ClosedClosed
8B.A. Programme (Geography + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosed7366Closed
8B.A. Programme (Geography + Mathematics)Closed73Closed63NANA
8B.A. Programme (Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) + Geography)Closed7776ClosedClosedNA
8B.A. Programme (History + Music)ClosedClosedClosedClosedNANA
8B.A. Programme (Music + Political Science)Closed72Closed65ClosedClosed
8B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Music)7165Closed5960Closed
8B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Buddhist Studies)Closed6263ClosedClosedClosed
8B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + History)Closed65Closed63NANA
8B.A. Programme (History + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedNANA
8B.A. Programme (Sanskrit + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
1B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics928986848490
1B.Sc (Hons) Physics938986858888
1B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry949290899494
1B.Sc (Hons) Zoology949291908891
1B.Sc (Hons) Botany929190898790
1B.Sc (Life Sciences)908985828889
1B.Sc. Physical Science with Chemistry898583828787
1B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science928884828588
2B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosed8884808080
2B.Sc (Hons) Physics91.678885838686
2B.Sc (Hons) Zoology929087858689
2B.Sc (Life Sciences)898783808688
2B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer86.338278778585
2B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science908580758385
2B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry929088869092
2B.Sc (Hons) Botany908985838689
3B.Sc (Hons) Botany888682808386
3B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics91.5Closed81757575
3B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science888277728080
3B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry918985848888
3B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosed80808383
3B.Sc (Hons) Zoology908884828387
3B.Sc (Life Sciences)868480778283
3B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer837874738383
4B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosedClosed80737373
4B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosed77778280
4B.Sc (Hons) Zoology888581787980
4B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science88Closed75687878
4B.Sc (Hons) Botany87.338380757879
4B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry908880788585
4B.Sc (Life Sciences)Closed8076727778
4B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosedClosed70698281
5B.Sc (Hons) Botany878173797879
5B.Sc (Life Sciences)85.337874707778
5B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosed7765648077
5B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosedClosed70757082.5
5B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science88ClosedClosed657878
5B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosed8674748282.67
5B.Sc (Hons) ZoologyClosed8480777880
5B.Sc (Hons) ChemistryClosed8777758585
6B.Sc (Hons) Botany87Closed79737779
6B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science8781.5Closed627878
6B.Sc (Hons) ChemistryClosed86.6670688282
6B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosedClosed728082.67
6B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosedClosed74676982.5
6B.Sc (Hons) ZoologyClosed8480777880
6B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosedClosed64628077
6B.Sc (Life Sciences)85.33ClosedClosed687778
7B.Sc (Hons) ChemistryClosedClosedClosed658082
7B.Sc (Hons) Botany85.6680.3377.66717778
7B.Sc (Hons) Computer ScienceClosedClosed75607878.33
7B.Sc (Hons) Zoology878379757779
7B.Sc (Life Sciences)8477.3373667677
7B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosedClosedClosed607977
7B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosed71677982.67
7B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosedClosedClosed656882.5
8B.Sc (Hons) BotanyNA7874687677
8B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsNAClosedClosed6467.582.5
8B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsNAClosedClosed667982.67
8B.Sc (Hons) ZoologyNA8177737778
8B.Sc (Hons) ChemistryNAClosedClosed638082
8B.Sc (Life Sciences)NA76.66Closed647576
8B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerNAClosedClosed597977
8B.Sc (Hons) Computer ScienceNAClosed746077.578.33
9B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosedClosedClosed646782.5
9B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosedClosed657882.67
9B.Sc (Hons) ChemistryClosedClosedClosed617981
9B.Sc (Hons) BotanyClosed7672667476
9B.Sc (Life Sciences)ClosedClosedClosed617275
9B.Sc (Hons) Zoology867974707577
9B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science86Closed73607778
9B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosedClosedClosed587877
10B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science86Closed73607778
10B.Sc (Hons) BotanyClosed757063.667276
10B.Sc (Life Sciences)ClosedClosedClosed607075
10B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosedClosedClosed657882.67
10B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosedClosedClosed587877
10B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosedClosedClosed636682.5
10B.Sc (Hons) Zoology84.337872687477
10B.Sc (Hons) ChemistryClosedClosedClosed607575
1B.A (Hons) History868077777676
1B.A (Hons) Geography928787878787
1B.A (Hons) English908581818081
1B.A (Hons) Political Science898484848484
1B.A. (Hons.) Journalism959390909090
1B.A (Hons) Hindi807674747474
1B.A (Hons) Economics969186868691
1B.Com (Hons.)969490909090
1B.A Programme868280767575
1B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
1B.Com (Prog.)939188888888
2B.A (Hons) Geography898085858584
2B.A (Hons) Hindi787470707072
2B.A (Hons) History847574747484
2B.A (Hons) EnglishClosed8380797881
2B.A (Hons) Economics958680808088
2B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
2B.A. (Hons.) Journalism928987878787
2B.Com (Prog.)928685858585
2B.A Programme847978707071
2B.Com (Hons.)958786868686
2B.A (Hons) Political Science888282828282
3B.A (Hons) EnglishClosed82Closed787580
3B.A (Hons) Economics928378757685
3B.A. (Hons.) JournalismClosed8483838385
3B.A (Hons) Political ScienceClosed7979797979
3B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
3B.Com (Prog.)918480788383
3B.Com (Hons.)9283.578768383
3B.A (Hons) Geography89Closed83838383
3B.A (Hons) HistoryClosedClosedClosed737383
3B.A (Hons) Hindi757169656570
3B.A Programme807473686568
4B.A (Hons) Geography88Closed81818181
4B.A (Hons) HistoryClosedClosed73727280
4B.A ProgrammeClosed7070656065
4B.A (Hons) Political Science87.5ClosedClosed787575
4B.Com (Prog.)898075707880
4B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
4B.A (Hons) Hindi746868636365
4B.A. (Hons.) Journalism8981797875Closed
4B.A (Hons) EconomicsClosed81.576737382
4B.Com (Hons.)Closed8176717981
4B.A (Hons) EnglishClosedClosedClosedClosed7378
5B.A (Hons) EconomicsClosed8074707083
5B.A (Hons) English89.581.5ClosedClosed7181
5B.A (Hons) Geography87Closed78787881
5B.A (Hons) Political Science86.5ClosedClosed767280
5B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
5B.A ProgrammeClosed69.5Closed626073
5B.Com (Hons.)90.57974687682
5B.Com (Prog.)877873677581
5B.A (Hons) HistoryClosedClosedClosed727280
5B.A. (Hons.) JournalismClosed79767572Closed
5B.A (Hons) HindiClosed6868636365
5B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology766861586871
5B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web Designing776962596972
6B.A (Hons) EconomicsClosed7872707082
6B.A (Hons) English88.5ClosedClosed77.57080
6B.A. (Hons.) JournalismClosed77747270Closed
6B.A (Hons) HindiClosed6767.56062.564
6B.A (Hons) Political Science86ClosedClosed757078
6B.A ProgrammeClosedClosedClosed605972
6B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
6B.A (Hons) History84ClosedClosed727280
6B.Com (Prog.)Closed7872647380
6B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology706255506566
6B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web Designing736556516767
6B.Com (Hons.)Closed7873657481
6B.A (Hons) Geography86Closed75757580
7B.A (Hons) EconomicsClosed7570686882
7B.A (Hons) Geography86Closed72727278
7B.A (Hons) HindiClosed6567586263
7B.A (Hons) English86807875.56978
7B.A. (Hons.) JournalismClosed76736968Closed
7B.A (Hons) Political Science85.576Closed736676
7B.Com (Prog.)Closed7870637279
7B.A Programme78.568.569.5585871
7B.A (Hons) History83.5ClosedClosed717272
7B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
7B.Com (Hons.)Closed7873647380
8B.A (Hons) EconomicsNA7065657582
8B.A (Hons) EnglishNA78Closed73.56776
8B.A (Hons) GeographyNAClosed71717178
8B.A. (Hons.) JournalismNA76706565Closed
8B.A. (Hons.) SanskritNA4545454545
8B.Com (Prog.)NA7868617179
8B.A (Hons) HindiNA64Closed576162
8B.A ProgrammeNA6768575770
8B.A (Hons) HistoryNAClosedClosedClosed7272
8B.Com (Hons.)NA7872627280
8B.A (Hons) Political ScienceNA75Closed716474
9B.A (Hons) Economics90Closed63637380
9B.A (Hons) EnglishClosed7777726674
9B.A (Hons) HindiClosed63Closed566061
9B.A (Hons) Political Science8473Closed696272
9B.Com (Prog.)Closed77.567607078
9B.A (Hons) History83.5ClosedClosedClosed7272
9B.Com (Hons.)Closed7871617179
9B.A (Hons) Geography86Closed70Closed7077
9B.A. (Hons.) JournalismClosedClosedClosed6262Closed
9B.A Programme77.566Closed565670
9B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
9B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology605350455858
9B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web Designing706250486264
10B.A (Hons) Economics90Closed63637380
10B.A (Hons) Geography86Closed70Closed7077
10B.A (Hons) EnglishClosed76.576.571.56573
10B.Com (Hons.)Closed7769597077
10B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
10B.A (Hons) Political Science8473Closed696272
10B.Com (Prog.)Closed7665586976
10B.A (Hons) History83.5ClosedClosedClosed7272
10B.A. (Hons.) JournalismClosedClosedClosed6060Closed
10B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology555048455050
10B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web DesigningClosed5550455555
10B.A (Hons) HindiClosed62Closed555960
10B.A Programme7765Closed555570
1B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany909090908890
1B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry979592909797
1B.Sc. Physical Sciences898583828787
1B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science918784828588
1B.Sc. Life Sciences898884808989
1B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics928885849090
1B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics928986848490
1B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology939190908790
1B.A. (Hons.) Geography908585858585
1B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
1B.A. (Hons.) Hindi807674747474
1B.A. (Hons.) Journalism969391919191
1B.A. (Hons.) English928783838183
1B.A. Programme848078767575
1B.A. (Hons.) History827777777680
1B.A. (Hons.) Political Science827777777777
1B.Com. (Hons.)969490909090
2B.A. (Hons.) Economics948883838388
2B.A. (Hons.) Journalism949189898989
2B.A. (Hons.) English918582808082
2B.A. (Hons.) Political ScienceClosed77Closed757575
2B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
2B.A. (Hons.) Geography888585858585
2B.A. Programme817675747474
2B.A. (Hons.) HistoryClosed76.576.576.575.579.5
2B.A. (Hons.) Hindi797572707070
2B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany898888888588
2B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science90848280Closed87
2B.Com. (Hons.)949086868686
2B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry94.669388879494
2B.Sc. Physical Sciences858075758080
2B.Sc. Life Sciences888683788688
2B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology918988888588
2B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web Designing878583818585
2B.Sc. (Hons.) PhysicsClosed8481818182
2B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology878583818585
2B.Sc. (Hons.) MathematicsClosed8884828285
3B.A. (Hons.) Political ScienceClosedClosedClosed747474
3B.A. (Hons.) Economics938580808085
3B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
3B.A. (Hons.) GeographyClosed8484848484
3B.A. (Hons.) Hindi78747169Closed69
3B.A. (Hons.) English908380767580
3B.A. (Hons.) Journalism928987878787
3B.A. (Hons.) HistoryClosed7676767579
3B.Com. (Hons.)Closed8783838383
3B.A. ProgrammeClosed7272707070
3B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology898786868386
3B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany87.58382817887.5
3B.Sc. (Hons.) PhysicsClosedClosed79788080
3B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology838181808181
3B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry91.669085809090
3B.Sc. Life Sciences85.668380768383
3B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web Designing848282818282
3B.Sc. Physical Sciences827970707975
3B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer ScienceClosed8379778585
3B.Sc. (Hons.) MathematicsClosedClosed80797982
4B.A. (Hons.) EconomicsClosed8379797979
4B.A. (Hons.) EnglishClosedClosedClosed737378
4B.A. (Hons.) Geography878281818183.5
4B.A. (Hons.) HistoryClosed75.575757476
4B.A. (Hons.) Hindi75727065Closed67
4B.A. (Hons.) Journalism90.58784848585
4B.A. ProgrammeClosed70Closed676769
4B.Com. (Hons.)928480797980
4B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics91Closed78777580
4B.Sc. Physical SciencesClosedClosed68687774
4B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
4B.A. (Hons.) Political ScienceClosedClosedClosed747373
4B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyClosed82.577777586
4B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry918780758787
4B.Sc. Life Sciences847876707580
4B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics91Closed77757879
4B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology787574717878
4B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web Designing827975728080
4B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology868380807585
4B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science898075728384
5B.A. (Hons.) Economics918174747474
5B.A. (Hons.) GeographyClosed8079797984
5B.Com. (Hons.)Closed8175757575
5B.A. (Hons.) Hindi74687060Closed60
5B.A. (Hons.) Journalism888582828181
5B.A. (Hons.) Political ScienceClosedClosedClosed747373
5B.A. (Hons.) English89.58279.25Closed7176
5B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry908677708686
5B.Sc. (Hons.) PhysicsClosedClosed76747777
5B.A. ProgrammeClosedClosedClosed656565
5B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
5B.A. (Hons.) HistoryClosedClosed73.57473.574
5B.Sc. (Hons.) ZoologyClosed82.579.5797383
5B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science88Closed74708284
5B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web DesigningClosed7570667575
5B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology747068637070
5B.Sc. Physical SciencesClosedClosed67677673
5B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany868175737086
5B.Sc. Life SciencesClosedClosed76707878
5B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics90.5Closed76757375
6B.A. (Hons.) History8276.5Closed747070
6B.A. (Hons.) EconomicsClosed8170.5707070
6B.A. (Hons.) English888178.5Closed6874
6B.A. (Hons.) Geography877877777680
6B.A. (Hons.) HindiClosed6868596960
6B.A. Programme80ClosedClosed626363
6B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit454545454545
6B.A. (Hons.) Political ScienceClosedClosedClosed747273
6B.A. (Hons.) JournalismClosed8281807979
6B.Com. (Hons.)908072727272
6B.Sc. (Hons.) ZoologyClosed8278757081
6B.Sc. Life SciencesClosedClosed74687777
6B.Sc. (Hons.) ChemistryClosed8575698585
6B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology706460607070
6B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyClosed8174.572.57081
6B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web Designing807064627575
6B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics89.5ClosedClosed727070
6B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science87Closed73698083
6B.Sc. (Hons.) PhysicsClosedClosed75737676
6B.Sc. Physical SciencesClosed7966.5657573
7B.A. (Hons.) English8779.577Closed6572
7B.A. (Hons.) Economics897968.5656569
7B.A. (Hons.) HindiClosed64Closed556560
7B.Com. (Hons.)88.578.567676770
7B.A. (Hons.) Political ScienceClosedClosedClosed727072
7B.A. (Hons.) Geography867675Closed7578
7B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry898370658080
7B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit4545Closed454545
7B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science86Closed71657581
7B.A. ProgrammeClosedClosedClosedClosed6062
7B.A. (Hons.) History81.57572.572.56868
7B.A. (Hons.) JournalismClosed8079787777
7B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics88.5ClosedClosed706868
7B.Sc. (Hons.) ZoologyClosedClosed75707078
7B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany858073.571.57079
7B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web DesigningClosed7062587072
7B.Sc. Physical SciencesClosed78.364627071
7B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing TechnologyClosed6056566568
7B.Sc. (Hons.) PhysicsClosedClosed73707275
7B.Sc. Life SciencesClosed7668637076
8B.A. (Hons.) GeographyNA74ClosedClosed6570
8B.A. (Hons.) EnglishNA7672Closed6068
8B.A. (Hons.) HistoryNA72.57271.56262
8B.A. (Hons.) HindiNA62Closed536058
8B.A. (Hons.) Political ScienceNAClosed75706365
8B.A. (Hons.) JournalismNA76.575737075
8B.A. (Hons.) EconomicsNA7065585865
8B.Com. (Hons.)NA75Closed606065
8B.Sc. (Hons.) MathematicsNAClosedClosed656265
8B.Sc. (Hons.) ChemistryNA8065617075
8B.Sc. (Hons.) PhysicsNAClosed72676568
8B.Sc. (Hons.) ZoologyNAClosed70656570
8B.A. ProgrammeNAClosedClosedClosed5558
8B.A. (Hons.) SanskritNA45Closed454545
8B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web DesigningNA6658506568
8B.Sc. Physical SciencesNA76.362586065
8B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer ScienceNAClosed65607070
8B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyNAClosed68636575
8B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing TechnologyNA5550506062
8B.Sc. Life SciencesNAClosedClosed596065
9B.A. (Hons.) EconomicsNA6560535360
9B.A. (Hons.) HindiNAClosedClosed525855
9B.A. (Hons.) SanskritNA45Closed454545
9B.A. (Hons.) GeographyNA72ClosedClosed6368
9B.Com. (Hons.)NA74Closed555560
9B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyNAClosed64616364
9B.A. (Hons.) JournalismNA7070686565
9B.A. (Hons.) EnglishNA7369Closed5865
9B.Sc. (Hons.) MathematicsNAClosedClosed606060
9B.A. (Hons.) Political ScienceNAClosed75686060
9B.Sc. (Hons.) PhysicsNAClosed69646264
9B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer ScienceNAClosed60556565
9B.A. ProgrammeNAClosedClosedClosed5456
9B.Sc. (Hons.) ZoologyNAClosed65Closed6565
9B.Sc. (Hons.) ChemistryNA7864606570
9B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web DesigningNA6557476568
9B.A. (Hons.) HistoryNA70Closed696060
9B.Sc. Life SciencesNAClosedClosed566066
9B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing TechnologyNA5348456062
9B.Sc. Physical SciencesNA74.360565661
10B.A. (Hons.) Geography8670ClosedClosed6065
10B.A. (Hons.) History8065Closed655959
10B.A. (Hons.) Political ScienceClosedClosed75655858
10B.A. (Hons.) HindiClosedClosedClosed505553
10B.A. (Hons.) JournalismClosed6768656262
10B.A. (Hons.) EconomicsClosed6058505055
10B.A. (Hons.) English857066Closed6562
10B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics84ClosedClosed585858
10B.Sc. (Hons.) PhysicsClosedClosed68626062
10B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit4545Closed454545
10B.Com. (Hons.)Closed73.5Closed515151
10B.Sc. (Hons.) ChemistryClosedClosed60556162
10B.A. ProgrammeClosedClosedClosedClosed5355
10B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyClosedClosedClosedClosed6263
10B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science84Closed58536262
10B.Sc. (Hons.) ZoologyClosedClosedClosedClosed6060
10B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing TechnologyClosed5045455860
10B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web DesigningClosed6355456366
10B.Sc. Life SciencesClosedClosedClosed546061
10B.Sc. Physical SciencesClosed73.358545459
11B.A. (Hons.) Geography846882Closed5863
11B.A. (Hons.) EconomicsClosedClosedClosed454550
11B.A. (Hons.) HindiClosedClosedClosed485250
11B.A. (Hons.) EnglishClosedClosedClosedClosed6060
11B.Com. (Hons.)Closed73Closed485050
11B.Sc. (Hons.) ChemistryClosed7558535860
11B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyClosed73.5ClosedClosed6061
11B.A. (Hons.) History78ClosedClosed605757
11B.A. Programme7969ClosedClosed5254
11B.A. (Hons.) SanskritClosed4545454545
11B.A. (Hons.) JournalismClosedClosedClosed605860
11B.Sc. Life SciencesClosedClosedClosed505659
11B.Sc. Physical SciencesClosed71.355525257
11B.A. (Voc. Studies) Printing Technology684845455759
11B.A. (Hons.) Political ScienceClosedClosedClosed635555
11B.Sc. (Hons.) PhysicsClosedClosed66595859
11B.Sc. (Hons.) ZoologyClosed65Closed655860
11B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science83Closed57506060
11B.Sc. (Hons.) MathematicsClosedClosedClosed555555
11B.A. (Voc. Studies) Web DesigningClosed6254456265

DU Colleges Cut Off 2021

Colleges Location
Bhaskaracharya College of Applied SciencesWest Delhi
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya CollegeWest Delhi
Atma Ram Sanatan Dharam CollegeDhaula Kaun
Lakshmibai CollegeWest Delhi
Mata Sundari College for WomenCentral Delhi
St. Stephen’s CollegeNorth Delhi
PGDAV CollegeSouth Delhi
PGDAV College (Evening)South Delhi
Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa CollegeNorth Delhi
Shyama Prasad Mukherji CollegeWest Delhi

List of courses offered via class 12 marks

S. NoProgrammes
1.B.A. (Hons.) Economics
2.B.A. (Hons.) English
3.B.A. (Hons.) Geography
4.B.A. (Hons.) Hindi
5.B.A. (Hons.) History
6.B.A. (Hons.) Journalism
7.B.A. (Hons.) Political Science
8.B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit
9.B.A. Programme
10.B. Com.
11.B. Com. (Hons.)
12.B. Sc. (Hons.) Botany
13.B. Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry
14.B. Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science
15.B. Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics
16.B. Sc. (Hons.) Physics
17.B. Sc. (Hons.) Zoology
18.B. Sc. Life Sciences
19.B.Sc. Physical Sciences
20.B.Voc. Printing Technology
21.B.Voc. Web Designing

Contact Details
Kalindi College(W), East Patel Nagar, Central Delhi,
New Delhi- 110008
Email ID: [email protected]
Phone N.O: 011 2578 7604
Fax N.O: 25782505
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