Haryana LEET Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2024: Candidates who want to take lateral admission in engineering courses in Haryana have to take the Haryana LEET 2024 exam. Students who are preparing for the Haryana LEET must be aware of the exam pattern and syllabus. A total of 90 questions will be there and the exam duration will be of 90 minutes. Questions will come from Basic Sciences, Electronics Stream Courses, Mechanical Stream Courses, Other Engineering Streams.
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Marking Pattern Of B.E./B.Tech (LEET) 2024
- The question paper will consist of 90 questions and candidates will be given 90 minutes to solve the paper
- Questions will be divided into four sections.
- Questions will be objective type in the form of MCQ
- There will be no negative marking
Marking Pattern Of Haryana LEET Question Paper
Candidates can check the section-wise paper pattern below.
1st Section: Basic Sciences (Ques No. 1 to 25)
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Name of the Section | Name of Subjects | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks |
a-1 | Mathematics | 8 | 8 |
a-2 | Physics | 8 | 8 |
a-3 | Chemistry | 3 | 3 |
a-4 | Communication Skills | 3 | 3 |
a-5 | General Awareness | 3 | 3 |
2nd Section: Electronics Stream Courses (Ques No. 26 to 50)
Name of the Section | Name of Subjects | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks |
b-1 | Elements of Electrical Engg | 9 | 9 |
b-2 | Elements of Electronics Engg | 8 | 8 |
b-3 | Elements of Computer Engg | 8 | 8 |
3rd Section: Mechanical Stream Courses (Ques No. 51 to 70)
Name of the Section | Name of Subjects | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks |
c-1 | Elements of Mechanical Engg. | 8 | 8 |
c-2 | Elements of Production Engg./Manufacturing Processes | 6 | 6 |
c-3 | Auto Engg | 8 | 8 |
4th Section: Other Engineering Streams (Ques No. 71 to 90)
Name of the Section | Name of Subjects | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks |
d-1 | Civil Engg. Courses | 5 | 5 |
d-2 | Textile Engg. Courses | 5 | 5 |
d-3 | Chemical / Printing Engg. | 2 | 2 |
d-4 | Ceramic Engg. | 2 | 2 |
d-5 | Food Technology | 2 | 2 |
d-6 | Others | 4 | 4 |
Official Website: Haryana LEET
Haryana LEET Syllabus 2024
Candidates must check the syllabus before appearing for the exam. Haryana LEET syllabus PDF is given as per the section-wise which is explained in the exam pattern. Look carefully and start your preparation early.
Basic Science
(a-1) MATHEMATICS Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Progressions, Binomial expansion, Matrices, Elementary operations, Rank of a matrix, Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola, Differentiation of a function, implicit function, parametric function. Successive differentiation. Maxima and Minima, Partial Differentiation, Definite and indefinite Integration. First-order and first-degree ordinary differential equations.
(a-2) PHYSICS :
- Units and Dimensions with Dimensional analysis and their Limitations.
- Motion in one and two dimensions and Newton’s Laws of Motion.
- Work and Energy and Conservation Laws of Energy
- Properties of matter i.e. Elasticity, surface tension and viscosity in a fluid motion.
- Waves and vibration, Characteristics of waves and simple Harmonic motion.
- Rotational motion, Conservation of angular momentum.
- Gravitation, Newton’s law of gravitation, Kepler’s law and Satellite.
- Heat and temperature, measurement of temperature and mode of transfer of heat and their laws
- Geometric optics and simple optical instruments.
- Simple laws of electrostatics and their use to find the E and Potential, Capacitors and dielectric constant.
- Laser, its principle and use, superconductivity, Conventional and non-conventional energy sources.
- Hard and soft water, types of hardness, disadvantages of the hardness of water, its causes and its remedies Brief introduction of the term
- Acidity
- Basicity
- Ionization
- Equivalent weight
- PH value
- Definition of symbol, formula, valency & chemical equation
- Words, antonyms, and synonyms, communication technique Grammatical ability
- Preposition
- Correction
- Voice
- Narration
- Punctuation
- Tenses
- correction incorrect sentences
(a-5 ) GENERAL AWARENESS General awareness about Technical Education in Haryana such as:
- Name of Polytechnic, Number of Polytechnics and sanctioned intake
- Eligibility for admission to LEET
- Number of Institutions offering BE/B.Tech. & B.Pharmacy.
- Name the Processes involved in on-line off-campus counseling.
- General awareness about Haryana
- Name of Ministers/Chief Minister/Governor
- No. of Districts/Tehsils/Blocks/villages
- The total population of State/Area of state/Boundary states of Haryana, History of Haryana General awareness about the country, General awareness about Polytechnics
(b-1) ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (b-2) ELEMENTS OF ELECTRONICS ENG I N E E R I N G Measurements & Instrumentation, Errors, standards, accuracy precision resolution, Ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters and energy meters, insulation tester, earth tester, multimeter, CRO, measurement of V, I & F on CRO low, medium & high resistance measurement, AC Bridges, Transducers for measurement of temperature, displacement, Communication System, Types of modulation, demodulation. Analog Electronics, Semiconductor diode circuits, Zener diode, and Zener diode circuits, LED, Photodiode, BJT, FET & their configurations and characteristics, Biasing, small-signal & large signal amplifiers, OPAMPS, oscillators, regulated power supply. Digital Electronics, Number System, conversion from one to another system, Binary arithmetic, codes conversion & parity; Logic gates; Boolean algebra, FlipFlop. Industrial Electronics and Control, SCR, DIAC, TRIAC. (b-3) ELEMENTS OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING (c-1) ELEMENTS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (c-2) ELEMENTS OF PRODUCTION ENGINEERING/ MANUFACTURING PROCESSES Workshop Technology, Lathe- operations, turning machining Time, cutting speed, feed, depth of cut, Drilling, Type of drilling machines, Drilling operation, Drilling time, Milling, up milling, down milling, milling operations, milling cutters, milling time, Shaper & Planer Working Principle, Measuring Instruments and Gauges, Vernier Caliper, Micrometer, Sine Bar, Plug gauges, snap gauges, ring gauges welding, Soldering, Brazing. (c-3) AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING Power flow in an automobile (d-1) CIVIL ENGG. COURSES (d-2) TEXTILE ENGG. COURSES (d-3) CHEMICAL / PRINTINGENGG. Elementary knowledge of Fluid Flow, Chemical process industry, Agro-based industries, Petrochemicals Introduction of printing machines/presses, types of printing (d-4) CERAMICENGG. Classification of various pottery production, ceramic material & their properties (d-5) FOOD TECHNOLOGY Vitamins, cereals & Pulses milk & milk powder preservation of food process. (d-6) OTHERS ENGG. COURSES (d-6) (i) AGRICULTURE Introduction to Farm equipment (d-6) (ii) Architecture History of Indian Architecture, building topologies. (d-6) (iii) FASHION DESIGN & FASHION TECHNOLOGY Knowledge of Fashion Technology, History & Culture, Introduction to garment manufacturing machines & toolsElectronics Stream Courses
Mechanical Stream Courses
Other Engineering Streams