Tamil Nadu Board Result 2021: As per the latest announcement, the officials have cancelled the Tamil Nadu Board class 10 and 12 examinations. The students will be promoted to the next year without conducting the annual examinations. The result of HSC exam is based on the internal assessment marks. TN Board SSLC Class 10th result, TN HS (+1) 11th and (+2) 12th Class Board Result has been announced on 19th July 2021. The Directorate of Government Examinations (DGE), is the official authority that releases the TN Class 10th Result. In order to download the result, the candidates must visit the official website (dge.tn.gov.in) or (tnresults.nic.in). Subsequently, the candidates must enter their registration number & DOB in order to access the TN 10th Board result.
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The students can check their marks in each subject from the TN 10th class result from the official website, or from the link given in this article. Thereafter, the qualified candidates must collect their original mark sheet from their schools. In order to know more about & download the TN Class 10th, 11th, 12th Result & History Books PDF, keep on reading the article.
Latest Updates
- TN Board SSLC exams 2021 have been cancelled this year. The government has decided to declare all pass and not give any marks or grades to Class 10 SSLC students. The officials would only print ‘all pass’ on the mark sheet.
- TN HSC Exam 2021 has been cancelled. The result will be based on the marks in the Internal assessment
Tn govt cancels 12th std state board examinations #BigBreaking #cancelboardexams2021
TN CM @mkstalin request @narendramodi to cancel neet and other entrance exams for higher studies pic.twitter.com/dqXtdDg2XF
— Yuvaraj (@YuvarajReports) June 5, 2021
Tamil Nadu Board Class 10, 11, 12 Result PDF Download Date 2021
The candidates who appeared for their TN Board exam must be direly waiting for their results. Therefore, in order to help the candidates, we have provided information related to the same. Check further below.
Examination | Date |
Tamil Nadu 10th Result 2021 | Important Dates |
Exam | Cancelled |
Result | June 2021 |
Tamil Nadu 11th Result 2021 | Important Dates |
Exam | Cancelled |
Result | July 2021 |
Tamil Nadu 12th Result 2021 | Important Dates |
Exam | Cancelled |
Result | 19th July 2021 |
Steps To Download The Result Of Tamil Nadu Board Examinations 2021
In order to check the Tamil Nadu Board examination result 2021, the candidates must follow certain steps. Therefore, in order to help the candidates, we have provided information pertinent to the same. Check below.
- Primarily, the candidates must choose their respective classes. After that, they will be redirected to a new page, wherein, they will find a direct link to the Tamil Nadu Board result login option under the schedule table.
- Also, they can visit the official website of DGE (dge.tn.nic.in), Tamil Nadu in order to retrieve their result.
- Thereafter, they must choose the Tamil Nadu Board Result as per their classes.
- Subsequently, they will reach the result login option.
- Herein, the candidates must enter their registration number & DOB.
- Subsequently, they must click on the “Get Marks” button.
- Thereafter, the result will be displayed om the screen.
- The candidates must save & download the result of class 10th, 11th, 12th Tamil Nadu Board examination for future purposes.
Tamil Nadu Board Result Revaluation Process 2021
In case the students are not satisfied with their Tamil Nadu Class 10th, 12th Board Result, they can always apply for revaluation. Therefore, in order to help such students, the board has organized the process of re totaling marks. In this process, the board examines & totals the marks secured by the candidate. The primary aim of the process is to check if any mistake was made whilst checking the paper. In order to apply for this process, the candidates must fill up the Tamil Nadu Board Result Revaluation application form from the official website after the result is declared. Thereafter, they must also pay the fees as per their subjects. Once the answer sheets are checked by the subject expert, the board will update the result on the official website.
What after the declaration of the Result 2021?
As soon as the students of class 10th & 12th receive their result, they become restless & confused about the subsequent process. Since they are required to make important decisions thereafter. Therefore, in order to help the candidate, we have provided certain points. The class 12th student needs to make his/her decision really fast. As the seats fill out at a rapid speed after the Tamil Nadu Class 10th & 12th Board Result is declared. They can then, choose a specialty, either of the same stream or different. In case the student had arts, then he/she can choose to build a career in teaching, literature, or history. Or they can choose something totally indifferent.
However, the student of class 10th has three choices. He/she can choose between, Science, Arts & Commerce. They must choose the stream, which has the maximum number of subjects of their likeness. Also, the student must discuss it with someone before making the final decision.