Bihar Polytechnic Counselling 2024: The candidates who qualify the DCECE offline exam will be called for the Bihar Polytechnic Web Counselling. Subsequently, the candidates need to register for Bihar polytechnic counselling 2024 result. However, before Bihar Polytechnic Registration, candidates must fulfill the eligibility criteria, reservation policies and other concerned instructions as mentioned in the prospectus of Bihar DCECE 2024.

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A total of three rounds of Bihar Polytechnic online counselling takes place. Candidates will be able to participate in the second round of the counselling, if not satisfied with the allotted seat. Furthermore, based on the choice filling and locking of colleges and stream, candidates will be allotted seats by the authority. In order to know more about Bihar Polytechnic Online Registration Counselling Date, Result, List (1st, Second, 3rd), Letter, Schedule, keep on reading the article.

Bihar Polytechnic Counselling Date 2024

The below table contains Bihar Diploma DCECE Counselling Date 2024. As soon as the official authority notifies the counselling dates, we will mention the same here.

S. NoCounselling EventsDates 
1.Seat Matrix, Information Brochure, Business rule, Counselling Schedule Posting on WebsiteTo be notified
2.Starting Date of Online Registration and Choice filling for Seat AllotmentTo be notified
3.Mock Seat Allotment result of choice filled up toTo be notified
4.Last date for Online Registration, Choice filling for seat allotment and LockingTo be notified
5.1st Round Provisional Seat AllotmentTo be notified
6.Downloading of Allotment Order (1st Round)To be notified
7.Document Verification and Admission (1st Round)To be notified
8.Provisional seat allotment for 2nd RoundTo be notified
9.Downloading of Allotment Order (2nd Round)To be notified
10.Reporting at Reporting CentreTo be notified
11.Provisional seat allotment for 3rd roundTo be notified
12Downloading of Allotment Order (3rd Round)To be notified
13.Reporting at Reporting Centre (3rd Round)

Bihar Diploma DCECE Counselling Date 2024 – Step by Step Procedure

To get admission into one of the Diploma College in the state Bihar, the candidate needs to further participate in the Bihar polytechnic counselling result procedure by registering themselves. Therefore, follow the steps below to register, choice filling of college and reporting for the Bihar Polytechnic admission.

Step 1: Bihar Polytechnic Counselling 2024 – Registration

Candidates must register themselves by visiting the official website of Bihar DCECE Diploma Counselling. Thereafter, the Bihar Polytechnic Counselling registration link will be provided here. Subsequently, the candidates who scored the minimum cut-off qualifying marks in the Bihar diploma entrance exam will be only eligible to register for the counselling. Moreover, in this step, candidates need to register by entering the general details. Therefore, by register yourself by selecting the appropriate course and then enter Roll number, Registration no., Name, Date of Birth. Accept the declaration box and submit the form after done with the verification.

Step 2: Choice Filling and Locking

After successfully completing the Bihar Polytechnic Counselling Registration, applicants need to choice fill and lock the college as per their preference and availability. Based on the filled choices, marks obtained and merit rank, candidates will be allotted seats by the official authority. Candidates can make the list of preferred colleges by using the “+” and “” sign from the available choices. “SWAP” option is also available to change the places of two colleges.

Step 3: Choice Locking By Password

After doing the above exercises, the choice locking facility will be activated for Bihar Polytechnic Counselling. Subsequently, once the locking system is available, the candidate must first check and make sure that it is a correct choice as per their requirement. Also, they must click on the right choice button after checking correctly. Then if you want to modify or add/remove some choices, then click on the “Unlock Choices” button. On this action also enter your password for unlocking the choice and click on the “Submit” button. Thereafter, the choice will unlock and the candidate can modify their choice as per their requirement. Therefore, after modification follows the same steps to lock your choices.

Step 4: Bihar Polytechnic Counselling 1st Round Seat Allotment Result

  • The seat will allot on the basis of choice of Bihar Polytechnic Counselling result rank, category and reservation of the candidates. The 1st round seat allotment schedule will be available here as soon as it releases. The candidate will receive an SMS on their registered mobile number. It will mention the result of 1st round of Seat Allotment. The candidate can check the Bihar Polytechnic online counselling result on the official website after Login. The candidate must take a printout of the seat allotment letter if the candidate decides to take admission at the allotted seat. To take the printout of the seat allotment letter, you need to enter valid login credentials on the official website page.
  • The candidate must report at the designated center. They must report at the Bihar Polytechnic Online Counselling scheduled time and date. If the applicant is not able to appear, they will not have any other opportunity for the further round of Bihar Polytechnic counselling.
  • In the auto up-gradation system, this position will remain as such or he/she will be promoted to upper choice in the next round of allotments, so be careful while giving the choice. The better-preferred choice should be at an upper level.
  • However, if the candidate is not allotted a seat, then they must wait for the for upgrade allotment in the next round.
  • After physical reporting of the allotted candidates to their respective Reporting Center at the end of each round, the Bihar Polytechnic web-counseling will be completed and a seat vacancy will be generated.

Step 5: Bihar Polytechnic Admission Fee Payment

If the candidate is dissatisfied with the seat allotted to him/her, then he/she must report to the concerned college. However, a demand draft of Rs 1000/- in favour of Principal of concerned Institution or Cash also needs to be carried.

NOTE: The allotted candidate can withdraw Bihar Polytechnic admission. That is, if they are not satisfied with the allotment or taken admission elsewhere or of any reason. Then he/she is not interested to take admission in the allotted institution/college within the declared time as per AICTE norms.

Step 6: Bihar polytechnic Document verification at the Reporting Centre

At the time of reporting at the designated center, the qualified candidate needs to carry the below-mentioned Bihar Polytechnic Counselling document and certificates. Furthermore, the candidate must carry one photocopy of all the documents during document verification.

1. Copy of downloaded Part-A & Part-B of Bihar Polytechnic application form.

2. Original Bihar Polytechnic Admit Card.

3. Copy of Rank Card.

4. Copy of downloaded Allotment Letter (3 copies)

5. Six copies of Passport Size Photograph (as uploaded in Online Application Form).

6. 10th Board Certificate / Matric/equivalent Certificate and Admit Card as proof of age & Identity.

7. School Leaving Certificate (original school leaving certificate is mandatory during admission.

8. Aadhar card for ID Proof.

9. Residential certificate for the native of Bihar issued by Concerned C.O of Permanent residence.

10. Caste Certificate issued by concerned C.O. of Permanent residence (In case of reserved category candidates).

11. Character Certificate issued by Head of Institute last attended.

12. Income certificate issued by concerned C.O. of Permanent residence. (In case of Economically Backward).

13. Seat Allotment Letter.

2nd (Second) Round List Bihar Polytechnic Counselling Seat Allotment Result

After the publication of seat vacancy of the Bihar Polytechnic 1st round, 2nd round of online web counselling is conducted. In this round, no fresh registration shall be allowed. But if the situation demands, then further Bihar Polytechnic Counselling merit list/result may be published. Thereafter, the fresh candidates can register for choice filling. However, they must make sure they are not included in the 1st published merit list/result.

Who are eligible for 2nd Round seat allotment / up-gradation?

Category 1:

All Registered candidates who have successfully filled their choices and not allotted any seat in the first round of seat allotment.

Category 2:

All candidates who were allotted a seat in the first round of Bihar Polytechnic counselling and also got their documents verified and hence were declared as successfully admitted candidates. Such candidates must visit the website as per counselling schedule for knowing the up-gradation of seat allotted to him/her in the first round.

Category 3:

Fresh candidates whose Bihar Polytechnic counselling result were not published for participating in the 1st round of counselling but after exhaust of merit list published, the 2nd result may be published for participating in the 2nd round of counselling on the basis of merit. (If required)

NOTE: So, this is basically an up-gradation round of counselling for the candidates registered in the Bihar Polytechnic Counselling 1st round. Based on the availability of seat, rank, marks scored and merit list, the official authority shall allot the seat.

3rd Round List Bihar Polytechnic Counselling of Seat Allotment

If the seat in the participating institute remains vacant, the official authority conducts the 3rd round of Bihar Polytechnic counselling. In case if the situation arises, then Registration and Choice filling will be allowed to fresh candidates only, who were not included in Bihar Polytechnic Counselling 1st and 2nd published merit list/result.

Candidates eligible for 3rd round list Bihar DCECE Diploma Counselling as per the category

 1: All Registered candidates who have successfully filled their choices and not allotted any seat in the Bihar Polytechnic counselling first round or 2nd round list of seat allotment.

 2: All candidates who were allotted a seat in the first or second round of Bihar Polytechnic counselling and also got their documents verified and hence were declared as successfully admitted candidates must visit the website as per counselling schedule for knowing the up-gradation of seat allotted to him/her in the first round or second round.

 3: Fresh candidates whose Bihar Polytechnic counselling result were not published for participating in the 1st round or 2nd round of counselling but published for participating in the 3rd round of counselling on the basis of merit. (If required)

NOTE: This is the last round of Bihar DCECE Diploma Admission. Seat allotted to the previous and fresh registered candidates will be considered final. No further round of counselling will be held.

If you have any doubt related to Bihar Diploma Counselling 2024, feel free to write the same in the comment box given below.


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