WBUTTEPA B.Ed Result 2021: The West Bengal University of Teacher’s Training, Education Planning and Administration has released the WBUTTEPA B.Ed Programme 10th List Of Selected Students. The applicants must enter their roll number in order to download WBUTTEPA B.E.D result from wbuttepa.ac.in. Candidates who gave the review exam will be able to go through the details of the B.Ed & M.Ed Result of WBUTTEPA which is now available on the official website. Furthermore, the WBUTTEPA B.Ed 2021 Result List consists of all the required details which will be necessary to proceed for the next semester in order to complete the course further. For more details of  WBUTTEPA B.Ed/M.Ed first semester review result 2021, go through the article below.

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 9 March Check WBUTTEPA B.Ed 10th List Of Selected Students

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WBUTTEPA B.Ed Result Dates 2021

The candidates who are awaiting their result of WBUTTEPA B.Ed must keep themselves up-to-date with the result dates. Furthermore, we have mentioned the information regarding the same. Check Semester wise B.Ed result.

B.Ed 2nd and 4th Semester (Supplementary) Exam Result20th May 2021
B.Ed & M.Ed Supplementary Result20th May 2021
B.Ed 2nd and 4th Semester Result20th May 2021
B.Ed 1st and 3rd Semester (Regular) Result20th May 2021
Last date of submission of application form review Result20th May 2021
Download Review Application FormClick here

WBUTTEPA B.Ed 2021 Result

The WBUTTEPA 2021 B.ED Result has been released on the wbuttepa.ac.in. Candidates who appeared for their appearing semester will be eligible to go through the result file acquiring the detail of whether they have qualified for the semester exam. Furthermore, passing the exam will make them eligible to proceed for the next semester. WBUTTEPA B.Ed exam is conducted every semester. Subsequently, the candidates after acquiring the degree can proceed for pursuing their careers in teaching. Furthermore, the WBUTTEPA B.Ed semester exam will be conducted in the month of May and June 2021. The candidates who qualify for their semester exam will be eligible to go for the next session.

How to Check  WBUTTEPA B.Ed Result 2021

In order to access the result candidates must follow certain steps. Candidates can further check the result by following the step mentioned below.

  • Primarily, candidates must visit the official website (www.wbuttepa.ac)
  • Under the heading WBUTTEPA B.ED Scorecard, There will be two unfilled tabs.
  • The candidates must fill in their roll number in the first tab.
  • In the second tab, the candidate must fill in the semester of which they are seeking the result.
  • Then click on the “View Result” Button. The result will be displayed.
  • However, if the candidates wish to get the result via SMS, then they must click on the “SMS Result” button.

Contents Mention On WBUTTEPA B.Ed 2021 Result

Candidates checking the B.Ed Scorecard must make sure that they go through the Result PDF very carefully. The details provided on the Result PDF must be checked by the student very carefully. In case if any form of discrepancy is found in the Result, the applicant must contact the examination authorities immediately. Find the contents mentioned on WBUTTEPA B.Ed Scorecard 2021 from the points below.

  • Name of the course
  • Applicant’s Roll Number
  • Name of the exam
  • Semester details
  • Marks secured by the candidate
  • Status of the Result
  • Date and time of the exam
  • Instructions to be followed by the candidate after the result is declared.

How To Apply For WBUTTEPA B.Ed Result Revaluation 2021

Candidates after checking their scores through WBUTTEPA B.ED Scorecard can fill up the Revaluation form if they are not satisfied with the score achieved or if they find any form of mistake in their result. Students will be required to apply for the evaluation through the proper channels by filling up WBUTTEPA Revaluation forms which will be made available by the examination conducting the body of the Institute. After the successful WBUTTEPA Application Submission, the rechecking of the candidate’s answer sheet will be done and if found the complaint filed valid, the necessary correction will be done in the WBUTTEPA B.Ed result.

Read More

WBUTTEPA B.Ed Application Form
WBUTTEPA B.Ed Syllabus
WBUTTEPA B.Ed Admit Card
WBUTTEPA Exam Routine

In case of any queries related to WBUTTEPA B.Ed Result, kindly write to us in the comment section below.


  1. Is there any necessity to check the answer scripts of 2nd semester before 4th semester? The results of the same is of no use. But final result is urgent.

  2. Was there any necessity to check the answer scripts of 2nd semester before 4th semester? The results of the same is of no use. But final result is urgent.

  3. Privious year 2018 4th sem exm end of 4th june;and result published 24/07 2018 but,2019 4th sem end of 23/06/19,sonot to be yet result? Please give me Quickly published results

  4. Was there any necessity to check the answer scripts of 2nd semester before 4th semester? The results of the same is of no use. But final result is urgent.

  5. Please declare final 4th semester b.ed 2019 result in this July end as some has to start their career and it’s not possible do without the mark sheet and start doing job from August
    .. thank you


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